Page:History of the Radical Party in Parliament.djvu/346

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332 History of the Radical Party in Parliament. [1841- Durham in July, 1843, was in the minority.* Not satisfied with this reverse, Crawford followed up his proposal by an actual attempt to stop the supplies. On the 6th of February, on the motion for going into committee of supply, he moved an amendment, rehearsing at length the grievances to which he had referred in his former speech, and concluding with the assertion that the complaints "should be inquired into, and if found to be justly made, redressed before this House shall proceed to the voting of supplies." For this motion he only obtained 22 votes, and there were 130 against it. Once more the indefatigable reformer returned to the charge. On the 1 4th of May he moved for leave to bring in a bill to extend the suffrage and secure the free representation of the people. On a division the numbers were for the motion, 31 ; against it, 97. The direct corn law campaign opened on the I2th of March, when Cobden moved for a select committe to inquire into the effects of protective duties on imposts on the interests of tenant farmers and labourers. The motion was defeated by a majority of riinty-one only, the numbers being for, 133 ; against, 224. On the 25th of June Villiers brought on his annual motion, for a committee of the whole House to consider certain resolutions, one of which was that the corn law "is indefensible in principles, injurious in operation, and ought to be abolished." The debate lasted over two nights, and in the course of it Lord John Russell gave proof that the work of conversion was going on. He had on former occasions voted against Villiers, now he meant to abstain, his

  • The following are the names of the minority :

Barnard, E. S. Elphinstone, H. Trelawney, J. L. Bernal, Capt. Fielden, J. Villiers, Hon. C. Blewitt, R. J. Gibson, T. M. Wakley, T. Bodkin, J. J. Gisborne, T. Warburton, H. Bowring, Dr. Hindley, C. Ward, H. G. Bright, J. Hume, J. Williams, W. Brotherton, J. Johnson, Gen. Yorke, H. R. Cobden, R. Plumridge, Capt. Collett, J. Ricardo, J. L. Crawford, S. ) T ., Currie, R. Roebuck, J. A. Wallace, R. Buncombe, T. Thorneley, T.