Page:History of the Radical Party in Parliament.djvu/420

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406 History of the Radical Party in Parliament. [1850- in which the people were interested. On the I4th of February Locke King moved for leave to bring in a bill to amend the law of succession to real property, that is to abolish the system of primogeniture. Leave was given, and on the 8th of March the second reading was proposed, and was defeated by 203 to 82.* The desire to make some kind of progress with the question of national education led to a proposal for an experi- ment to be made in one town of a system of rate-supported and locally managed schools, and this was the object of the Manchester and Salford Education Bill. It came before the House on the 2ist of February ; but Milner Gibson moved " That education to be supported by public rates is a subject which ought not to be dealt with by any private bill," and this being carried put an end to the scheme. Sir William Clay

  • The division was the first occasion of showing the strength of the Radical

party in this Parliament, and proves that under better conditions it might have exercised an important influence in Parliament. The following were the Ayes : Adair, H. E. ._Alcock, T. Anderson, Sir J. Barnes, T. Bass, M. T. Bell, J. Biggs, W. Bouverie, Hon. E. P. Brady, J. ^Brotherton, J. ^Butler, C. S. Challis, Aid. Chambers, M. Cobden, R. Cowan, C. Crawford, S. Crossley, F. Devereux, J. T. Duffy, C. G. Duncan, G. Duncombe, T. Dunlop, A. M. ^Evans, Sir De L. Fagan, W. ._Fielden, M. J. Fergus, J. Fitzgerald, J. D. Forster, C. Fox, W. J. Furguson, J. Goderich, Visct. Goodman, Sir G. Greene, J. Gregson, S. Hadfield, G. JJall, Sir B. _JJastie, A. Heywood, J. Heyworth, L. Hitchin, E. J. JIutt, W. Kennedy, T. Kershaw, J. Langton, H. G. Laslett, W. Lee, W. Lucas, F. McGavin, J. Maguire, J. F. Massey, W. N. Miall, E. Milnes, R. M. Mitchell, T. A. Moffatt, G. Morris, D. Murragh, J. S. ^O'Connell, J. Techell, Sir G.,B. Pellatt, A. Phinn, T. Pilkington, J. Potter, R. Power, N. Ricardo, J. L. Richardson, J. T. Robartes, T. Roebuck, J. A. Scholefield, W. Scobell, Captain Scully, F. Sculley, V. Shafto, R. D. Shelley, SirJ. V. Smith, J. B. Strickland, Sir G. Thicknesse, R. A. Thompson, G. Thornley, T. Walmsley, SirJ. Wilkinson, W. A. Willcox, B. M. Williams, W. King J. .Bnght,J.