Page:History of the Radical Party in Parliament.djvu/554

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28 A List of LOWNDES (Henry} POEMS AND TRANSLATIONS. Crown 8vo. cloth, 6s. LUMSDEN (Lieut.-Col. IL W.) BEO- WULF : an Old English Poem. Translated into Modern Rhymes. Second and revised Edition. Small crown 8vo. cloth, price 5.5-. LYRE AND STAR. Poems by the Author of 'Ginevra,' &c. Crown 8vo. cloth, price 5-r. MACLEAN' (Charles Donald) Lw$ AND GREEK VERSE TRANSLATIONS. Small crown 8vo. cloth, 2s. MAGNUSSON (Eirikr) M.A., and PALMER (E. H.) M.A. JOHAN LUDVIG RUNEBERG'SLYRICAL SONGS, IDYLLS, AND EPIGRAMS. Fcp. 8vo. cloth, price 5-r. MDC. Chronicles of Christopher Co- lumbus. A Poem in Twelve Cantos. Small crown 8vo. cloth, JS. 6d. MEREDITH (Owen) [The Earl of Lyttoii LUCILE. With 32 Illus- trations. i6mo. cloth, price $s. 6d. ; cloth extra, gilt edges, price 4^. 6d. MIDDLE TON (The Lady) BALLADS. Square l6mo. cloth, price 3-r. 6d. MORICE (Rev. F. D.) M.A. THE OLYMPIAN AND PYTHIAN ODES OF PINDAR. A New Translation in Eng- lish Verse. Crown 8vo. price "js. 6d. MORRIS (Lewis) POETICAL WORKS. Vol. I. contains Songs of Two Worlds. Vol. II. contains The Epic of Hades. Vol. III. contains Gwen and the Ode of Life. New and Cheaper Editions, with Portrait, complete in 3 vols. $s. each. THE EPIC OF HADES. With 16 Auto- type Illustrations after the drawings by the late George R. Chapman. 410. cloth extra, gilt leaves, price 2is. THE EPIC OF HADES. Presentation Edition. 4to. cloth extra, gilt leaves, price IOJ. 6d. DAY AND NIGHT. A Volume of Verses. Fcp. 8vo. MORSHEAD (E. D. A.) THE HOUSE ATREUS. Being the Agamemnon, Libation-Bearers, and Furies of JEs- chylus . Translated into English Verse. Crown 8vo. cloth, price "js. THE SUPPLIANT MAIDENS OF LUS. Crown 8vo. cloth, price 3-r NADEN (Constance W.} SONGS AND SONNETS OF SPRING TIME. Small crown 8vo. cloth, price $s. NEWELL (E. 7.) THE SORROW OF SIMONA, and .Lyrical Verses. Small crown 8vo. cloth, 3-$-. 6d. NOAKE (Major R. Compton) THE BIVOUAC ; or, Martial Lyrist. With an Appendix : Advice to the Soldier. Fcp. 8vo. price $s. 6d. NOEL (The Hon. Roden) A LITTLE CHILD'S MONUMENT. Second Edition. Small crown 8vo. cloth, 3*. 6d. NORRIS (Rev. Alfred) THE INNER AND OUTER LIFE. Poems. Fcp. 8vo. cloth, price 6s. ODE OF LIFE (THE). By the Author of 'The Epic, of Hades,' &c. Fourth Edition. Crown 8vo. cloth, price 5-r. O'HAGAN (John) THE SONG OF ROLAND. Translated into English Verse. New and Cheaper Edition. Crown 8vo. cloth, price 5-r. PFEIFFER (Emily} GLAN ALARCH : his Silence and Song. A Poem. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. price 6s. GERARD'S MONUMENT, and other Poems. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. cloth, price 6s. QUARTERMAN'S GRACE, and other Poems. Crown 8vo. cloth, price 5*. POEMS. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. cloth, price 6s. SONNETS AND SONGS. New Edition. i6mo. handsomely printed and bound in cloth, gilt edges, price 4*. UNDER THE ASPENS : Lyrical and Dramatic. Crown 8vo. with Portrait, cloth, price 6s. PIKE (War&urton)THE, INFERNO OF DANTE ALIGHIERI. Demy 8vo. cloth, price 5*. RARE POEMS OF THE i6TH AND I;TH CENTURIES. Edited by W. J. Linton. Crown 8vo. cloth, price 5-r. RHOADES (James) THE GEORGICS OF VIRGIL. Translated into English Verse. Small crown 8vo. cloth, price 5-r.