Page:History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic Vol. I.djvu/224

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80 CASTILE UNDER HENRY IV. PART I. Intrigues of the marquis ofVillena. inhabitants remained constant in their attachment to the royal cause. When Henry's summons, therefore, was issued for the attendance of all his loyal subjects capable of bearing arms, it was answered by a formida- ble array of numbers, that must have greatly ex- ceeded that of his rival, and which is swelled by his biographer to seventy thousand foot and four- teen thousand horse ; a much smaller force, under the direction of an efficient leader, would doubtless have sufficed to extinguish the rising spirit of re- volt. But Henry's temper led him to adopt a more conciliatory policy, and to try what could be effect- ed by negotiation, before resorting to arms. In the former, however, he was no match for the con- federates, or rather the marquis of Villena, their representative on these occasions. This nobleman, who had so zealously cooperated with his party in conferring the title of king oh Alfonso, had intend- ed to reserve the authority to himself. He proba- bly found more difficulty in controlling the opera- tions of the jealous and aspiring aristocracy, with whom he was associated, than he had imagined ; and he was willing to aid the opposite party in maintaining a sufficient degree of strength to form Hurtado de Mendoza, who is repre- sented by his contemporaries to have been worthy of his sire. Like him he was imbued with a love of letters ; he was conspicuous for his mag- nanimity and chivalrous honor, his moderation, constancy, and uniform loyalty to his sovereign, virtues of rare worth in those rapacious and turbulent times. (Pulgar, Claros Varones, tit. 9.) Ferdinand and Isal)ella created him duke del Infan- tado. This domain derives its name from its having been once the patri- mony of the infontcs of Castile. See Salazar de Mendoza, Monarquia, tom.i. p. 219, — and Dignidades de Castilla, lib. 3, cap. 17. — Oviedo, Quincuagenas, Mo., bat. l,quinc. 1, dial. 8.