Page:History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic Vol. II.djvu/118

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94 WAR OF GRANADA. PART The conferences were conducted by night with '—- the utmost secrecy, sometimes within the walls of Granada, and at others, in the little hamlet of Chur- riana, about a league distant from it. At length, after large discussion on both sides, the terms of capitulation were definitively settled, and ratified by the respective monarchs on the 25th of Novem- ber, 1491." Capitulation The conditions were of similar, though somewhat of Granada. ' O more liberal import, than those granted to Baza. The inhabitants of Granada were to retain posses- sion of their mosques, with the free exercise of their religion, with all its peculiar rites and cere- monies ; they were to be judged by their own laws, under their own cadis or magistrates, subject to the general control of the Castilian governor ; they were to be unmolested in their ancient usages, manners, language, and dress ; to be protected in the full enjoyment of their property, with the right of disposing of it on their own account, and of migrating when and where they would ; and to be furnished with vessels for the conveyance of such as chose within three years to pass into Africa. No heavier taxes were to be imposed than those customarily paid to their Arabian sovereigns, and 14 Pedraza, Antiguedad de Gra- 178. — Marmol, however, assigns nada, fol. 74. — Giovio, De Vita the date in the text to a separate Gonsalvi, apud Vitse Ulust. Viro- capitulation respecting Abdallah, rum, pp. 211, 212. — Salazar de dating that made in behalf of the Mendoza, Cron. del Gran Cardenal, city three days later. (Rebelion de p. 236. — Cardonne, Hist. d'Af- Moriscos, lib. 1, cap. 19.) This rique et d'Espagne, torn. iii. pp. author has given the articles of the 316,317. — Conde, Dominacion de treaty with greater fulness and los Arabes, torn. iii. cap. 42. — L. precision than any other Spanish Marineo, Cosas Memorables, fol. historian.