Page:History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic Vol. II.djvu/123

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SURRENDER OF THE CAPITAL. 99 In the mean while the Moorish king, traversing chapter the route of the Alpuxarras, reached a rockj emi- '- — nence which commanded a last view of Granada. He checked his horse, and, as his eye for the last time wandered over the scenes of his departed greatness, his heart swelled, and he burst into tears. " You do well," said his more masculine mother, " to weep like a woman, for what jou could not defend like a man! " " Alas! " exclaimed the un- happy exile, " when were woes ever equal to mine! " The scene of this event is still pointed out to the traveller by the people of the district; and the rocky height, from which the Moorish chief took his sad farewell of the princely abodes of his youth, is commemorated by the poetical title of El Ultimo Sospiro del Mow, " The Last Sigh of the Moor." The sequel of Abdallah's history is soon told. Fate of T- Abdallab. Like his uncle, El Zagal, he pined away in his bar- ren domain of the Alpuxarras, under the shadow, as it were, of his ancient palaces. In the following year, he passed over to Fez with his family, having ca, pp. 621, 622. — Zurita, Anales, version of the Moorish ballads, the torn. iv. cap. 90. — Marmol, Re- reader may find an animated de- belion de Moriscos, lib. 1, cap. 20. scription of the triumphant entry of — L. Marineo, and indeed most of the Christian army into Granada. the Spanish authorities, represent „^^ . . ^ j ^ ^ .1 "^ • 1 • „' „it J "There was crying in Granada when the the sovereig-ns as havmg postponed ^^ ^vas going down, their entrance into the city until Some calling on the Trinity, some calling the 5th or 6th of January. A let- „ onMahoun; ., , , n J J Here passed away the Koran, there in the ter transcribed by redraza, ad- cross was borne, dressed by the queen to the prior And here was heard the Christian bell, and of Guadalupe, one of her council, there the Moorish hom -, J i j^ ^u -^ c m J Te Deum laudamus was up the AicaiSiSuag, dated irom the city Ot Lrranada on Down from the Alhambra's minarets were the 2d of January, 1492, shows ail the crescents flung; the inaccuracy of this statement. The arms thereon of Aragon and Castile a , ,. •' they display, see lOllO /D. One king comes in in triumph, one weep- In Mr. Lockhart's picturesque ins soes away."