Page:History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic Vol. II.djvu/158

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134 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. PART anci discoveries of the early Span- I. isli navigators. In 1825, Sefior Navarrete gave to the world the first fruits of his indefatigable re- searches, in two volumes, the com- mencement of a series, compre- hending letters, private journals, royal ordinances, and other origi- nal documents, illastrative of the discovery of America. These two volumes are devoted exclusively to the adventures and personal his- tory of Columbus, and must be re- garded as the only authentic basis, on which any notice of the great navigator can hereafter rest. Fortu- nately, Mr. Irving's visit to Spain, at this period, enabled the world to derive the full benefit of Seiior Navarrete's researches, by pre- senting their results in connexion with whatever had been before known of Columbus, in the lucid and attractive form, which engages the interest of every reader. It would seem highly proper, that the fortunes of the discoverer of Amer- ica should engage the pen of an inhabitant of her most favored and enlightened region ; and it is un- necessary to add, that the task has been executed in a manner which must secure to the historian a share in the imperishable renown of his subject. The adventures of Co- lumbus, which form so splendid an episode to the reign of Ferdi- nand and Isabella, cannot properly come within the scope of its histo- rian, except so far as relates to his personal intercourse with the gov- ernment, or to their results on the fortunes of the Spanish monarchy.