Page:History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic Vol. II.djvu/262

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238 CASTILIAN LITERATURE. FART I. His dramatic eclogues. beginning of the following century, and was at- tracted by the munificent patronage of Leo the Tenth to fix his residence at the papal court. While there, he continued his literary labors. He embraced the ecclesiastical profession ; and his skill in music recommended him to the office of princi- pal director of the pontifical chapel. He was sub- sequently presented with the priory of Leon, and returned to Spain, where he died in 1534.^^ Encina's works first appeared at Salamanca, in 1496, collected into one volume, folio. ^° Besides other poetry, they comprehend a number of dra- matic eclogues, sacred and profane ; the former, sug- gested by topics drawn from Scripture, like the an- cient mysteries ; the latter, chiefly amatory. They were performed in the palace of his patron, the duke of Alva, in the presence of Prince John, the duke of Infantado, and other eminent persons of the court ; and the poet himself occasionally assist- ed at the representation.^* 39 Rojas, Yiage Entretenido, (1614,) fol. 46. — Nic. Antonio, Bibliotheca Nova, torn. i. p. 684. — Moratin, Obras, torn. i. pp. 126, 127. — Pellicer, Origen de la Co- media, torn. i. pp. 11, 12. ^0 They were published under the title, " Cancionero de todas las Obras de Juan de la Encina con otras anadidas." (Mendez, Typographia Espatiola, p. 247.) Subsequent impressions of his works, more or less complete, ap- peared at Salamanca in 1509, and at Saragossain 1513 and 1516. — Mo- ratin, Obras, torn. i. p. 127, nota. I Tlie comedian Rojas, who flourished in the beginning of the following century, and whose " Viage Entretenido " is so essen- tial to the knowledge of the early histrionic art in Sj)ain, identifies the appearance of Encina's Eclogues with the dawn of the Castilian drama. His verses may be worth quoting. " Que es en nuestra madre Espaua, poniiie en la dichosa era, que nqucllos gloriosos Reyes digiios de nienioria eterna Don Fernmido e Vsabel (que ya con los santos reynan) de collar de Espana ncabavan todos los Moriscos, que eran l)e aquel Reyno de Granada, y tiitonces se duva en clla priiicipio a la Inquisicion, se Ic dio a nuestru coniedia. .luan de la Encina el primero, aquel insigne poeta, que lanto bien erapezo