Page:History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic Vol. II.djvu/328

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304 ITALIAN WARS. PART resolved on, she instantly fixed her eyes on him as '- — the most suitable person to conduct it. She knew that he possessed the qualities essential to success in a new and difficult enterprise, — courage, con- stancy, singular prudence, dexterity in negotia- tion, and inexhaustible fertility of resource. She accordingly recommended him, without hesitation, to her husband, as the commander of the Italian army. He approved her choice, although it seems to have caused no little surprise at the court, which, notwithstanding the favor in w^hich Gonsalvo was held by the sovereigns, was not prepared to see him advanced over the heads of veterans, of so much riper years and higher military renown than himself. The event proved the sagacity of Isa- bella." Arrives in Thc part of the squadron destined to convey the new general to Sicily was made ready for sea in the spring of 1495. After a tempestuous voyage, he reached Messina on the 24th of May. He found, that Ferdinand, of Naples, had already begun operations in Calabria, where he had occupied Reg- gio with the assistance of the admiral Requesens, who reached Sicily with a part of the armament a short time previous to Gonsalvo's arrival. The whole effective force of the Spaniards did not ex- ceed six hundred lances and fifteen hundred foot, besides those employed in the fleet, amounting to about three thousand and five hundred more. The 11 Giovio, Vita Magni Gonsalvi, p 214. — Chr6nica del Gran Capi- tan, cap. 23.