Page:History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic Vol. II.djvu/366

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342 ITALIAN WARS. PARI' II. arms were to take place every jear, in the months of March and September, when prizes were to be awarded to those best accoutred, and most expert in the use of their weapons. Such were the judi- cious regulations by which every citizen, without being withdrawn from his regular occupation, was gradually trained up for the national defence ; and which, without the oppressive incumbrance of a numerous standing army, placed the whole effective force of the country, prompt and fit for action, at the disposal of the government, whenever the public good should call for it. '^ 13 See a copy of the ordinance taken from the Archives of Siman- cas ; apud Mem. de la Acad, de Hist., tom. vi. apend. 13. When Francis I., who was des- tined to feel the effects of this care- ful military discipline, beheld, dur- ing his detention in Spain in the beginning of the following century, striplings with scarce down upon the chin, all armed with swords at their sides, he is said to have cried out, " bienaventurada Espafia, que pare y cria los hombres arma- dos ! " (L. Marineo, Cosas Memo- rabies, lib. 5.) An exclamation not unworthy of a Napoleon, — or an Attila.