Page:History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic Vol. II.djvu/374

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360 THE ROYAL FAMILY. PART ian, who promptly acquainted him with the intrigues '. — of the French government, and effectually aided in counteracting them.'^ i!a.T *'"" "^^^ English connexion was necessarily deferred for some years, on account of the youth of the parties, neither of whom exceeded eleven years of age. No such impediment occurred in regard to the German alliances, and measures were taken at once for providing a suitable conveyance for the infanta Joanna into Flanders, which should bring back the princess Margaret on its return. By the end of summer, in 1496, a fleet consisting of one hundred and thirty vessels, large and small, strong- ly manned and thoroughly equipped with all the means of defence against the French cruisers, was got ready for sea in the ports of Guipuscoa and Biscay. ^^ The whole was placed under the direc- tion of Don Fadrique Enriquez, admiral of Castile, who carried with him a splendid show of chivalry, chiefly draw^n from the northern provinces of the kingdom. A more gallant and beautiful armada never before quitted the shores of Spain. The in- fanta Joanna, attended by a numerous suite, arrived 13 «' Procuro," saysZurita, "que soldiers, (Reyes Catolicos, MS., se effectuassen los matrimonios de cap. 153.) Ferreras adopts the sus hijos, no solo con promesas, latter estimate, (torn. viii. p. 173.) pero con dadivas que se hizieron a Martyr may have intended only the los privados de aquellos principes, galleys and regular troops, while que en ello entendian." Hist, del Bernaldez, more loosely, included Rey Hernando, lib. 2, cap. 3. vessels and seamen of every de- 1"* Historians differ, as usual, as scription. See also the royal ordi- to the strength of this armament, nances, ap. Coleccion de Cedulas, Martyr makes it 110 vessels, and (torn. i. nos. 79, 80, 82,) whose 10,000 soldiers, (Opus Epist. , cpist. language implies a very large num- 168;) while Bernaldez carries the her, without specifying it. number to 130 sail, and 25,000