Page:History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic Vol. II.djvu/437

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PERSECUTIONS IN GRANADA. 411 secratecl drops from a mop, or hyssop, as it was chaptek called, which he twirled over the heads of the '- — multitude. '^ So far all went on prosperously ; and the elo- quence and largesses of the archbishop, which latter he lavished so freely as to encumber his rev- enues for several years to come, brought crowds of proselytes to the Christian fold.'^ There were some, indeed, among the Mahometans, who re- garded these proceedings as repugnant, if not to the letter, at least to the spirit of the original treaty of capitulation ; which seemed intended to provide, not only against the employment of force, but of any undue incentive to conversion. ^'^ Sev- eral of the more sturdy, including some of the principal citizens, exerted their efforts to stay the tide of defection, which threatened soon to swal- low up the whole population of the city. But Ximenes, whose zeal had mounted up to fever heat in the excitement of success, was not to be cooled by any opposition, however formidable ; and, if he 15 Robles, Vida de Ximenez, algun Moro tuviere alguna renega- cap. 14. — Marmol, Rebelion de da por muger, no sera apremiada a Moriscos, lib. I, cap. 24. — Gomez, ser Christiana contra suvoluntad, De Rebus Gestis, fol. 29. — Suma sino que sera interrogada, en pre- de la Vida de Cisneros, MS. sencia de Christianos y de Moros, 10 Robles, Vida de Ximenez, yse siguira su voluntad ; y lo mes- cap. 14. — Quintanilla, Arehetypo, mo se entendera con los niilos y fol. 55. — The sound of bells, so nifiasnacidos de Christiana yMoro. unusual to Mahometan ears, peal- Que ningun Moro ni Mora seran ing day and night from the newly apremiados a ser Christianos contra consecrated mosques, gained Xim- su voluntad ; y que si alguna don- enes the appellation oi alfaqui cam- cella, 6 casada, 6 viuda, por razon panero from the Granadines. Suma de algunos amores se quisiere tor- de la Vida de Cisneros, MS. nar Christiana, tampoco sera rece- 17 Marmol, Rebelion de Moris- bida, hasta ser interrogada." The cos, lib. 1, cap. 25. whole treaty is given in extenso by Take for example the following Marmol, and by no other author provisions in the treaty. " Que si that I have seen.