Page:History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic Vol. II.djvu/448

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422 XIMENES. PART does not appear. They did not at any rate adopt "• it in its literal extent. In due time, however, commissioners were sent to Granada, fully author- ized to inquire into the late disturbances and pun- ish their guilty authors. In the course of the investigation, many, including some of the princi- pal citizens, were imprisoned on suspicion. The greater part made their peace by embracing Chris- tianity. Many others sold their estates and migrat- ed to Barbary ; and the remainder of the population whether from fear of punishment, or contagion of example, abjured their ancient superstition and consented to receive baptism. The whole number of converts was estimated at about fifty thousand, whose future relapses promised an almost inex- haustible supply for the fiery labors of the Inquisi- tion. From this period the name of Moors, which had gradually superseded the primitive one of Spanish Arabs, gave way to the title of Moriscoes, by which this unfortunate people continued to be known through the remainder of their protracted existence in the Peninsula. ^^ The circumstances, under which this important revolution in religion was effected in the whole population of this great city, will excite only feel- ings of disgust at the present day, mingled, indeed, Applauded by the Span- 1 ards. 39 Bleda, Coronica, lib. 5, cap. Historias, torn. i. lib. 1, cap. 11. 23. — Mariana, Hist, de Espafia, — Carbajal, AnaIes,MS.,ario 1500. torn. ii. lib. 27, cap. 5. — reter — Bernaldez, Reyes Catolicos, MS., Martyr, Opus Epist., epist. 215. — cap. 159. — The last author car- Marmol, Rebelion de Moriscos, lib. ries the number of converts in 1, cap. 27. — Gomez, De Rebus Granada and its enrirons to 70,000. Gestis, lib. 2, fol. 32. — Lanuza,