Page:History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic Vol. II.djvu/73

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SIEGE OF BAZA. 49 and Guipuscoa, to support the duke of Brittany in chapter I his wars with the French regent, the celebrated Anne de Beaujeu. This expedition, which proved disastrous, was followed by another in the spring of the succeeding year.^ But, notwithstanding these occasional episodes to the great work in which they were engaged, they had little leisure for extended operations ; and, although they entered into the proposed treaty of alliance with Maximil- ian, they do not seem to have contemplated any movement of importance before the termination of the Moorish war. The Flemish ambassadors, after being entertained for forty days in a style suited to impress them with high ideas of the magnificence of the Spanish court, and of its friendly disposition towards their master, were dismissed with costly presents, and returned to their own country. ^ These negotiations show the increasing intimacy growing up between the European states, who, as they settled their domestic feuds, had leisure to turn their eyes abroad, and enter into the more ex- tended field of international politics. The tenor of this treaty indicates also the direction, which affairs were to take, when the great powers should 4 laligny, Hist, de Charles "V ill., ers, the English noble, who made pp. 92, 94. — Sismondi, Hist, des such a gallant figure at the siege Frangais, torn. xv. p. 77. — Ale- of Loja, lost his life. In the spring son, Annales de Navarra, torn. v. of 1489, the levies sent into France p. Gl. — Histoire du Royaume de amounted to two thousand in num- Navarre, pp. 578,579. — Pulgar, her. These efforts abroad, simul- Reyes Catolicos, cap. 102. taneous with the great operations In the first of these expeditions, of the Moorish war, show the re- more than a thousand Spaniards sources as well as energy of the were slain or taken at the disas- sovereigns. trous battle of St. Aubin, in 1488, 5 Pulgar, Reyes Catolicos, ubi being the same in which lord Riv- supra. VOL. II. 7 XIV.