Page:History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic Vol. III.djvu/210

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184 ILLNESS AND DEATH OF ISABELLA. PART II. Her maD- uers. portioned. She had a clear, fresh complexion, with light blue eyes and auburn hair, — a style of beauty exceedingly rare in Spain. Her features were regular, and universally allowed to be uncommonly handsome.^' The illusion which attaches to rank, more especially when united with engaging man- ners, might lead us to suspect some exaggeration in the encomiums so liberally lavished on her. But they would seem to be in a great measure justified by the portraits that remain of her, which combine a faultless symmetry of features with singular sweet- ness and intelligence of expression. Her manners were most gracious and pleasing. They were marked by natural dignity and modest reserve, tempered by an affability which flowed from the kindliness of her disposition. She was the last person to be approached with undue famil- iarity ; yet the respect which she imposed was min- gled with the strongest feelings of devotion and love. She showed great tact in accommodating herself to the peculiar situation and character of those around her. She appeared in arms at the head of her troops, and shrunk from none of the 21 The Curate of Los Palacios remarks of her, " Fue muger her- mosa, de muy gentil cuerpo, e gesto, e coniposicion." (Reyes Catolicos, MS., cap. 201.) Pul- gar, another contemporary, eulo- gizes " el mirar muy gracioso, y honesto, las facciones del rostro bien puestas, la cara toda muy hermosa." (Reyes Catolicos, part. 1, cap. 4.) L. Marineo says, " Todo lo que avia en el rey de dignidad, se hallava en la reyna de graciosa hermosura, y en entram- bos se mostrava una majestad ve- nerable, aunque a juyzio de muchos la reyna era de mayor hermosura." (Cosas Memorablcs, fol. 182.) And Oviedo, who had likewise fre- quent opportunities of personal ob- servation, does not hesitate to de- clare, " En hermosura puestas delante de S. A. todas las mugeres que yo he visto, ninguna vi tan graciosa, ni tanto de ver como su persona." Quincuagenas, MS.