Page:History of the Royal Astronomical Society (1923).djvu/13

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THE DECADE 1820—1830. (By H. H. TURNER)

We are indebted to Sir[1] John Herschel for keeping a diary which begins almost providentially with the year 1820,and from which the Herschel family have kindly made the following extracts:—

Sat., Jan. 1.—Dined with Peacock and Babbage at Provost Goodall's at Eton, & met Col. Thackeray, Vice-Provost Roberts, Capt. Roberts (R.N.), etc.

Sun., Jan. 2.—Peacock and Babbage left Slough after spending a few days here.

Wed., Jan. 12.—Dine (sic) at the Freemason's Tavern to meet Dr. Pearson & other gentlemen to consider of forming an Astronomical Society.

Sat., Jan. 15.—To attend Committee of ye Astronomical at Geol. Soc. Rooms at 10 o'clock.

Evening.—Mr Lowry's to tea to meet Wollaston, Babbage, Gompertz, Perkins, & Col. Fairman.

Mon., Jan. 17.—Went to Dr. Pearson's, Sheen, near Richmond, where I dined & spent the night. At night took Mars diamr by way of trying Dr. Pearson's Double image Micrometer.

Tues., Jan. 18.—Spent morning at Dr. Pearson's. Babbage came about 1h . Read over & arranged address for circulation with the notice of formation of ye Astronomical Soc. Dined & returned with Dr. P. and Babbage to the meeting of the Ctee in the Evening.

Thurs., Jan. 20.—Returned in the afternoon to Slough.

Mon., Jan. 24.—Death of the Duke of Kent.

Wed., Jan. 26.—Despatched letters concerning the Astronomical Society (the Address & a Circular letter) to Catton, Peacock, & Fallows.

Sat., Jan. 29.—Death of the King.

  1. Knighthood was not conferred till 1831 (followed by Baronetcy in 1838), but for simplicity the familiar name has been used throughout.