Page:History of the Royal Astronomical Society (1923).djvu/291

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ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY 257 Manners, President, 163. Manuscripts, 65, 83, log, 243 n., 244. Markree Observatory, 189. Mars, solar parallax from, 194 ; drawings of, 197. Maskelyne, edits Nautical Almanac, 56. Mathematical Society at Spitalfields, 99- 102, 104. Maule, arbitrator, 54. Maxwell, Clerk, in. Mayer, Tobias, his catalogue, 77. Medal, 42 ; first presented, 43 ; none for discovery of Neptune, 97 ; method of bestowing, 125 ; giving it to two, 172 ; proposals to abolish, 235. Medical and Chirurgical Society, rooms at, 35, 60. Meetings, record of first year's, 11-13 J first seven years, 39; reports of, 134, 238 ; hour of, 229 sqq. ; special, 238. Memoirs, regulations for, 36 ; early volumes, 37 ; in the thirties, 79 ; in the fifties, 126 ; how distributed, 241 ; appendices to, 242. Mercury, transit of in 1878, 197. Meteors, Leonids, 160 ; connected with comets, 161 ; observations of, 199 ; stationary radiants, 199. Middleton, founder of Mathematical Society, 83, 99 ; portrait of, 83. Miller, two of that name, 160. Millington, Secretary, 42. Minor planets, 68, 99, 115, 120, 137. Mitchel, O. M., on South's telescope, 54 ; Associate, 105. Mitchell, Maria, discovers a comet, 105. Monthly Notices, started, 38, 41 ; in the thirties, 79 ; enlarged, 84 ; in the fifties, 127 ; in 4to, 133, 239 ; growth of, 1 88, 240 ; geophysical supple- ment, 228 ; how edited, 239 ; takes place of Memoirs, 239 ; old volumes scarce, 80, 241. Moon, tables of, 148, 219. Moon -culminating stars, 73. Moore, Daniel, founder, 2, 3, 20. Miiller, Max, on Colebrooke, 18. Mural Circle, favourite instrument, 72. Nasmyth, solar surface, 153. Nautical Almanac, 55 ; reform of, 56 sqq. ; committee on, 61 ; changes proposed in 1890, 216; Society not consulted in 1897, 217 ; Part I. of, 218 ; changes from 1914, 218 ; suggested change in office, 218. Nebulae, J. Herschel's observations, 74 ; W. Herschel's catalogues revised, 243. Neison, on lunar theory, 197, 199. Neptune, discovery of, 92-97 ; attitude of Society to, 97. Newall, H. F., special address, 237. Newall, R. S., 25 -inch telescope, 189. Newcomb, lunar theory, 199 ; Council resolution on his retiring, 219 n. ; com- mencement of astronomical day, 225. Newton, H. A., on November meteors, 161. Observatories in southern hemisphere, 66, 221 ; Indian Hill Observatory pro- posed, 138 ; list of, in the sixties, 131 ; in the seventies, 189 ; solar observa- tory in Australia, 222. Observatory, The, monthly magazine, 198, 238. Observing Astronomical Society, 135. Oxford, Radcliffe Observatory, observing at, 72. Parallax, lunar, Henderson, 70. Parallax, solar, Encke's value too small, 149 ; Stone, 163 ; Gill, from Juno, 794 ; from Mars, 195 ; from transit of Venus, 196 ; Maxwell Hall, from Mars, 197. Parallax, stellar, Henderson and Bessel, 70, 89. Paramatta Observatory, 66. Parry, Edward, proposes additions to Nautical Almanac, 61. Parsons bequest, 246 n. Patron of Society, 46, 50, 81. Pearson, founder, 1-3, 23 ; buys object- glass, 1 6 ; earliest idea of founding Society, 21 ; school at East Sheen, 24 ; star catalogue, 74 ; presents stock of his Practical Astronomy, 83. Peirce, Benjamin, Associate, 105. Pendulum observations, Foster, 68 ; Baily, 69 ; Airy, 117. Philosophical Magazine, reports of meet- ings in, 39. Photographic Committee, 214. Photography, J. Herschel's glass nega- tives, 76 ; daguerreotype of eclipse of 1851, 112 ; photos of moon, 113 ; of Donati's comet, 113 ; De la Rue's work, 144, 156 ; in Transit of Venus, 181 ; advance of stellar photography, 213 ; photos for sale, 215. Photoheliograph, at Kew, 113, 155 ; at Greenwich, 156. Pond, editor of Nautical Almanac, 60 ; work at Greenwich, 71, 73. Portraits, 83, 244. Printing, cost of, 40. Pritchard, President, 159, 162. Prize questions, 43. Proctor, 167 ; on transits of Venus, 168, 180-184 ; proposed for medal, 176 ; disavowed by Council, 184. Prominences, nature of, 164. Ranyard, 169 ; eclipse volume, 172 ; proposes to abolish medals, 235. Refraction, Atkinson on, 70. Register, The Astronomical, 134, 238. Relativity, discussion on, 238. Reports, Annual, of Council, 240 ; of meetings, 134, 238. Robinson, T. R., work at Armagh, 72, 73. Rosse, third Earl of, on South's telescope, 54 ; his telescopes, 77, 107, 113 ; fourth Earl, on moon's heat, 189. Riimker, C., silver medal, 43 ; gold medal for star catalogue, 123. Rutherfurd, photography, 113, 197. 17