Page:History of the Seventeenth Virginia Infantry, C.S.A..djvu/318

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Dutch Gap; "Old Pete;" Butler ; Effects of trench life upon the Confederates. THE WINTER OF 64 AND 65. The situation ; Winter quarters on the Hewlett s Line ; General Grant s efforts on the Northside ; Church building ; Prayer meet ings ; Rations ; Desertions ; Picket firing and Negro troops ; Con firmation by Bishop Johns ; Christmas ; Dinner for New Year ; Dinner for General Lee s Army ; Orders to march ; Fort Gilmer and the situation on the Northside ; Torpedoes ; Return to Hew lett s Line ; General R. E. Lee. THE LAST MONTH S CAMPAIGN. Pickett s Division vacate the Hewlett s Line ; Federal raiders ; Marching and countermarching of the Seventeenth Virginia ; Ar rival at Hanover Junction ; Return to Richmond ; The charge upon and capture of Fort Steadman by Generals Gordon s and Johnson s Divisions ; Confederates are forced to retire ; Ride and march of the Seventeenth Virginia to the right of General Lee s lines ; Preparation for battle ; Ladies and children in danger ; The battle of Dinwiddie Court House ; The wounded ; How the Confederates missed a feast at Dinwiddie ; " Seventeenth." THE CLOSING SCENES. Preparation for battle ; The battle of Five Forks, in which the Cavalry out do the Infantry ; Ira Deavers and our Flag ; The news of the evacuation of Petersburg ; A surprise ; A long train for a few men to guard ; The passage of Deep creek ; Evacuation of Rich mond ; Harrassed by Federal Cavalry ; Suffering increasing ; The battle of Sailor s creek; Panic at High Bridge, &c., &c. ; The Confeds led on by hunger, charge the Commissary Stores and gain a victory ; Death of horses and mules from starvation ; Wagons destroyed ; Provisions for the Confederates destroyed by the Fed erals at Concord Station ; The Army of Northern Virginia hemmed in ; Appomattox Court House ; Escape of General Fitz. Lee s Cavalry ; The surrender; General Lee s farewell address. MEMENTOS. John Q. Marr ; Stealing a grave ; Little Luly ; "The warrior s grave;" Colonel S. W. Prestman ; "In memoriam ; " Thos. V. Fit/hugh; The muster roll of the 17th Virginia Volunteers.