Page:History of the University of Pennsylvania - Montgomery (1900).djvu/265

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History of the University of Pennsylvania.

But within fifteen years from this time, Harvard had still further advanced her standard: T8

In 1803, the former conditions of admission were repealed, and a strict examination in Dalzel's Collectanea Graeca Minora, the Greek Testament, Virgil, Sallust, and Cicero's Select Orations; a thorough acquaintance with the Greek and Latin grammars, including prosody; also, an ability to translate those languages correctly, and a knowledge of geography and arithmetic to the rule of three, was substituted.

Of the curriculum at William and Mary College, Virginia, at the period of the publication of Provost Smith's Plan, we have no certain knowledge. The visitations of fire to its buildings had caused the destruction of most of its valuable records. The origin of this venerable institution was even more decidedly of a theological intention than Harvard or Yale, and was

to the end that the church of Virginia may be furnished with a seminary of ministers of the Gospel, and that the youth may be piously educated in good letters and manners, and that the Christian faith may be propagated amongst the Western Indians to the glory of Almighty God.

The Rev. James Blair, afterwards Commissary of the Bishop of London in Virginia, was sent to England by the Colonial Assembly in 1691 to solicit a charter from the Crown, which was granted on 8 February, 1693, William and Mary giving out of the quit rents two thousand pounds towards the building. When he was charged to convey to Seymour, the Attorney General, the royal commands to issue the charter, Seymour remonstrated against this liberality, upon the ground that the nation was engaged in an expensive war; that the money was wanted for better purposes, and that he did not see the slightest occasion for a College in Virginia. Mr Blair begged the Attorney would consider " that its intention was to educate and qualify young men to be ministers of the gospel, much wanted there; that the people of Virginia had souls to be saved as well as the people of England." " Souls," exclaimed Seymour, " damn your souls; make tobacco!" 19 Commissary Blair, a native of 18 Quincy, ii. 280. 19 This is related by Franklin to Messrs Weems and Gant, two candidates then in London seeking his counsel as to obtaining orders, in his letter from Passy, 18 July, 1784. Bigelow, ix., 10.