Page:History of the War between the United States and Mexico.djvu/399

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fective fire of grape and ball on the house, and Captain Alvord, of the 4th infantry, seconded by Lieutenant Leigh, of the voltigeurs, gallantly stormed the height with a party, and drove the enemy before them. In the meantime an attack was made on the head of the train, which was repulsed by Captain Winans. Daring assaults were also made on the centre and rear that were promptly met by Lieutenant Lear and Captain Hutter.

Major Lally immediately dispatched a messenger to Colonel Wilson, in command at Vera Cruz, with the intelligence of his rencontre with the guerilleros, and on the 13th instant Captain Wells, of the 12th infantry, was ordered to reinforce him, with two companies of infantry and one company of the Louisiana mounted volunteers, under Captain Fairchild. Meanwhile Major Lally had proceeded with his detachment, having been joined, on the 11th instant, by a company of Louisiana cavalry under Captain Besançon. On the 12th, he discovered the enemy, posted in force, at the Puente Nacional. As usual, the bridge was barricaded, and a terrible fire from the Mexican escopetas was poured upon the command, from the fort, and the heights on the right of the town beyond the stream. Lieutenant Sears attempted to breach the barricade with his guns, but could not bring them to bear in such an exposed position. They were then withdrawn, and the fire of one piece was turned upon the fort, while the other, from a hill on the right, opened on the heights near the town. At the same time Lieutenants Wilkins and Doyle, of the 15th infantry, and Lieutenant Loring, of the 11th infantry, with parts of their companies, advanced to the parapets of the bridge, from which they kept up a constant fire. Lieutenant Lor-