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him? Pſal.lxiii. 25. O thou the faireſl amongſt the children of men, Pſal. xlv. 2. The light of the Gentiles, the glory of the Jews, the life of the dead, the joy of angels and ſaints, my ſoul painteth to be with thee, I will put my ſpirit into thy hands, and thou wilt not put me out of thy preſence, I will come unto thee, for thou caſteth none away that cometh unto thee, O thou delight of mankind? Thou cameſt to ſeek and to ſave that which was loſt; thou ſeeking me haſt found me, and now being found by thee, I hope, O Lord thou wilt not let me periſh, I deſire to be with thee, and do long for the frutition of thy bleſſed preſence, and joy of thy countenance: Thou the only good ſhepherd art full of grace and truth; therefore, I truſt, thou wilt not thruſt me out of the door of grace, the law was given by Moſes, but grace and truth by thee: who ſhall ſeperate me from thy love, ſhall tribulation, or diſtreſs, or perſecution, or famine, or nakedneſs, or peril, or ſword? Nay, in all theſe things, I am more nor conqueror, through thy Majeſty, who hath loved me: for I am perſuaded, that neither death, nor life nor principalities, nor powers, nor any other creature, is able to ſeperate me from the love of the majeſty, which is in Chriſt Jeſus my Lord. I reſuſe not to die with thee, that I may live with thee. I reſuſe no to ſuffer with thee, that I may rejoice with thee. Sall not all things be pleſant to me, which may be the laſt ſtep, by which, and upon which, I may come unto thee? When ſhall I be ſatiate with thy face? when ſhall I be drunk with thy pleaſures? Come, Lord Jeſus, and tarry not. The Spirit ſays, Come the bride ſays, Come; even ſo Lord Jeſus come quickly, and tarry not.

Why ſhould the multitude of my iniquities or the greatneſs of them affright me? why ſhould I faint in this my deſire to be with thee? The greater ſinner I have been, the greater glory will thy grace be to me to all eternity. O unſpeakable joy, endleſs, infinite, and bottomlſs compaſſion! O ſea of never fading pleaſures! O love of loves! O the breadth, and hight, and depth, and length of that love of thine, that paſſeth all knowledge! the love of Jonathan was great indeed unto David, it paſſeth the love