Page:History of the newspapers of Beaver County, Pennsylvania.djvu/154

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George Warrington, of Birmingham, Iowa, who later came to Beaver Falls on a tour of inspection. After his arrival the preliminary steps for the organization of a stock company were taken, Mr. Warrington subscribing $500.00, Prof. McCartney $500.00, and Dr. George subscribed $150.00 for his son, M. M. George; $600.00 was to be allowed for the paper and good will, $250.00 of which was to go to the payment of outstanding bills, and $350.00 was to be alloted to Mr. Fulkman in stock in the new company. Officers were elected, an attorney instructed to secure a charter, and everything looked favorable on the evening of October 18, 1888. The next morning Mr. Warrington came to the office of the "Spray" quite early, and announced his intention of withdrawing from the proposed company. He took the next train for the West, and the effort to organize a stock company fell. Mr. Fulkman continued the "Spray of the Falls" a few weeks longer, when he was compelled to dispose of it, and it was transferred to John H. Telford of the Beaver Falls "Tribune."

Beaver Falls Review.

In June 1888, J. E. McClure and J. W. Carson formed a company and started the Beaver Falls "Evening Journal." During the same year Geo. Warrington began the publication of a monthly paper named the "Psahn Singer." In 1889 Mr. Warrington, W. S. Fulkman, John W. Carson and L. L. Carson became owners of the "Journal," and in addition to the daily, began the publication of a weekly edition which made its appearance August 15, 1889. Mr. Fulkman undertook the