Page:History of the newspapers of Beaver County, Pennsylvania.djvu/161

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THE BEAVER TIMES. 131 "When we took leave of editorial life thirteen or fourteen years ago, we supposed it to be a final one. Por reasons, neither necessary nor profitable to enumerate, we come back to the old life again, and without volun- teering any very specific pledges as to what we propose to do, or promise not to do, we simply say that we em- bark in the present Undertaking with no private schemes to work out, and no personal animosities to gratify, but because we believe the public interests and the necessi- ties of the Republican organization in this county, demand such a step. "We propose to labor for the common good, rather than for individuals, or individual ends — to aid in the development of the varied resources of the county, and for the augmentation of its material wealth — to urge all parties to select none but trustworthy men for public positions — ^to seek to bridge over the divisions that un- fortunately exist in the party to which we belong— to root out some of the evil practices that have well nigh destroyed our ascendancy in the county — and to do what we can to bring the party back to a position at least of the standing and efficiency it possessed, in its earlier and better days, when under the lead of Agnew, Dickey, Lawrence, the Henrys and Roberts. "With this brief summary of the objects we have in yiew — in the language of that illustrious man, whose life went out so suddenly and tragically and who sleeps the martyr's sleep in the quiet of his Western home — 'With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the Right, as God gives us to see the right' — we launch our bark upon the newspaper sea, soliciting support only as we shall merit it, and content to rise or fall, as a reasonable public may determine, we deserve either the one or the other. "Now, therefore, with hat off, and hand extended, we greet our brethren of the press, of all political per-