Page:History of the newspapers of Beaver County, Pennsylvania.djvu/173

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MONACA HERAI^D 14.1 MoNACA Herald. The "Monaca Herald" began its existence November 13, 1903, with George A. Jones editor and manager, s^ub- scription price $1 per year, a seven column four page paper, well printed and a creditable local paper. The following from the editor's initial words to the people, will show the object in starting the paper: "Upon entering the field of journalism, done after a long consideration, we are determined to give to Monaca, Aliquippa and the six townships south of the Ohio river, in Beaver county, the prominence and the opportunities that can only be secured through the influence and use of the press. We do not want to advance the idea that the county papers have ignored, or forgotten us, but the fact that north of the river is a territory very thickly populated, and closely connected by a net work of rail- roads, naturally xm.ites their sympathies through social and business intercourse, resulting in the practical isolation, in many respects, of this district. We do not want to irifer that this is intentional, but occasioned be- cause most of this territory is composed of a farming district and cannot be reached witfiout great difficulty and expense. These conditions we hope to be able to overcome to some extent, by devoting our time and talent to the interest of this district, and with this thought in view, we send out the first number of the "Monaca Herald," which we hope the citizens will help us in making the representative of our interests and advance- ment."