Page:History of the newspapers of Beaver County, Pennsylvania.djvu/180

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146 HISTORY OP BEAVER COUNTY PAPERS. American party." From this it is evident that Dr. Brower had retired from the "Record" long before its death. Nothing further is known of the "Young American." New Brighton Times. W. H. Johnston of Butler, Pa., started the "New Brighton Times" October 21, 1857. It was a very neat and attractive paper, but was short lived, suspending publication in the latter part of the same year, or early in January 1858. It was revived by William B. Lemmon of Butler, Pa. He had an interest in the "Butler American," which he sold to his partner Mr. Haslett in January 1858, and on the 21st of the same month began the publication of the "Times," retaining the same name. William B. Lemmon was bom in Lancaster county, Pa., December 9, 1809, and died June 25, 1879. He moved to Butler in early life, where he was educated, and taught school in that county. Later he went to Allegheny and learned the tinning trade, and went back to Butler county. At one time he worked in the old Car building of New Brighton, operating a hydraulic press. After the suspension of his paper he worked for some time in Merrick's foundry. The "Times" was published in the old Shuster build- ing, now the location of the Beaver County Trust build- ing. In the "Argus" of March 10, 1865, a notice States that W. S. Morlan Esq. had opened an office under the