Page:History of the newspapers of Beaver County, Pennsylvania.djvu/190

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154 HISTORY OP BEAVER COUNTY PAPERS. Revenue of the District, and used his unemployed time in gathering news and writing, combining the work of editor and reporter, then the only writer on the paper. The new paper was in size eight columns and four pages, and found its first home in the two story frame building 1010 Third avenue, the press and engine in the cellar, the ofiice and job room in the first story and the composing room in the second story. The large press was operated by hand for a while, a strong colored man furnishing the motive power, but later an upright steam engine was introduced. The editor's first article of any length, was the edi- torial salutatory, which was as follows: "The line of policy we have marked out, and the work we have in view, embrace first a good, reliable and energetic local paper for the valley; not for New Brighton alone but for the entire Beaver valley. We propose to devote just as much time and attention to Beaver Falls, Rochester and the other towns of the valley, as we shall to the town in which the paper is published. Second, to present in every way possible, the facilities of the valley for manu- facturing purposes, and to urge our claims upon all who may be seeking a safe place for the investment of their means in industries that will develop and make use of our resources and advantages. Third, To do our utmost in making a paper that will be fit to enter the families of our people, and if it does not instruct will not corrupt. Nothing base or low in its tone will be permitted to enter its columns. lu regard to our position on the local and public questions of the day, so far as we may deem it our duty to discuss them, we have only to say that our columns will reflect the opinions of the signers hereto. We cannot be neutral on any question, but will be in- dependent on all. In politics we are Republican. But in saying this we wish it distinctly understood, that we will be the organ of no clique or ring. We shall be in