Page:History of the newspapers of Beaver County, Pennsylvania.djvu/198

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160 HISTORY OP BEAVER COUNTY PAPERS. December 1882, he published a daily as a holiday edition, which was filled with local news, and it made quite a hit, many kind things being said of it. Believing the time ripe for a daily paper, he began its publication in regular form, datina; from February 5, 1883, the first daily paper ever published in the county. It was a five column eight page paper, with four pages ready print, published every evening except Sunday, for eight cents a week. Soon after it was changed to four pages and the price increased to ten cents. In the first issue, the editor delivered himself as follows: "The 'Daily News' is before you. Is it welcome? It has come to stay if you want it; if you do not it will bow itself gracefully from your presence, and promise never to do so again. We are in for it now, and propose to do plenty of hard, earnest work to make it such a paper as you want, and we hope for success. We haven't time just now to brag what a good paper it is going to be; we will have to wait a while, and perhaps by that time its readers will have a decided opinion of their own on that point. We do not start the paper to fill any want, air any opinions, or anything of that kind, but it is simply and singly a business enterprise. Please do not regard it as anything else, and then you won't be disappointed. The editor is a Republican, but he is not going to run a political machine; he is going to make every effort to get all the local news of the Beaver valley, and to advocate with all his ability everything and any- thing that will benefit our towns, and make them more prosperous, and the inhabitants thereof prouder of the fair heritage they are permitted to enjoy." On the 28th of September 1892, Willard S. Header became a partner in the paper, being his 2l8t birthday, and became city editor of the paper, and soon most of the work of selecting matter for the paper, and passing