Page:History of the newspapers of Beaver County, Pennsylvania.djvu/50

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34 HISTORY OfP BEAVER COUNTY PAPERS, ton White, and proprietors J. W. White and David Porter. The typographical appearance of the paper is much improved, and the leading editorial liiough not indicating the experience of a veteran writer, in spirit is liberal and cautious. We welcome the new editor to the editorial ranks and congratulate our political opponents that a purer and more elevated tone is to pervade the columns of the new 'Aurora.' " The "Argus" in its issue of January 9, 1839, com- mented severely on the failure of Mr. White to keep his promises, and declares "that he is a more contemptible catspaw than any of the half score who have preceded him in that concern." The "Aurora" was discontinued March 1,, 1839. The "Argus" expressed regret at the failure, for the sake of the Whig cause, and said, "we have some notion of issuing proposals for publishing a history of the rise and fall of Loco Foco editors in Beaver county. It might perhaps be made quite interesting; at all events there would be variety in it. This ended the career of the Democratic papers in the town of Beaver, until the launching of the "Western Star" on the sea of journalism in 1843 ; but it did not end the career of Democratic papers in the county. Beaver Falls Chronicle. The "Beaver Falls Chronicle" was started in Koches- ter October 12, 1839, as the Democratic successor of the "Aurora," with J. W. White as editor, which haiiled down the Van Buren flag in June 1840, and hoisted that of General Harrison, and in July was removed to Brighton. The history of the "Chronicle" will be found among the Beaver Falls papers.