Page:History of the newspapers of Beaver County, Pennsylvania.djvu/82

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62 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY PAPERS. regiment, and was publicly mentioned in the official re- port of the battle, for his courage and skill. For his gallant services he was recommended to the Secretary of War for brevet promotions as Major and Lieutenant Colonel. He was married July 185Y to Victoria, dauerh- ter of the late Dr. Milo Adams, for many years a leading physician in the county. They had seven children, four of whom are living: Emma, wife of Harry W. Keeves, Beaver Falls ; Edwin S., an attorney at Beaver ; Blanche, stamp clerk in the Beaver Falls postoffice, and Paul, a minister in the M. E. church. He was married a second time to Miss Mary Cooke, daughter of Major J. M. Cooke, late of Eochester, Pa. Col. Weyand was a good business man. When the McCreery bank failed in 1883, he was selected as assignee, and settled the complicated business of that -institution to the satisfaction of all parties in- terested. He is a member of the M. E. church. He was a mertiber of the Pennsylvania Legislature for two terms, 1893 and 1895, and during the latter term was a member of the Ways and Means Committee. He intro- duced and had passed the first bill giving an appropri- ation to the Beaver Valley General Hospital of New Brighton. Jacob Weyand retired from the "Argus" December 16, 1857, with the following editorial announcement: "Having disposed of my interest in the 'Argus' office to my brother, the senior partner, I now take my leave of those who have been kind enough for a series of years, to extend their patronage to the firm. The business relations between ourself and patrons have been of the most agreeable character, and it is to be hoped that their uniform kindness and generous support will long be cherished." The "Argus" continued under the control of Michael Weyand until December 1859, when he re-