Page:History of the wicked life and horrid death of Dr. John Faustus (6).pdf/14

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do; but, to his great amazement, found all his swine in their styes.


How Dr Faustus began to bethink himself of the near approach of his end.

FAustus having spun out his twenty four years, within a month or two, began to consider what he could do to cheat the devil, but could not find any way to prevent his miserable end, which was now near; whereupon he now cries out to himself, 'O miserable wretch that I am, I have now given myself to the devil for a few years pleasure; to satisfy my carnal and devilish desires, and now I must pay full dear; now must I have torment without any ease: Wo is me, for there is no help for me; I dare not, I cannot look for mercy from God, for I have abandoned him; I have freely denied him to be my God, I have given myself to the devil, to be his for ever; and now my time is almost expired; I have had my desires; my filthy lusts have been satisfied, and I must be tormented for ever and ever.

A neighbour of his, a godly old man, hearing of his way of living, in compassion to his soul came to him, and with tears besought him to have more regard to his precious soul, laying before him the promises of God's grace and mercy, freely offered to all repenting sinners, and spoke so feelingly, that Faustus shed tears, and promised to try to repent. This good man was no sooner gone, but Mephostophiles found him pensive on his bed, and muttering what had happened, began to reproach him with breach of covenant to his lord Lucifer, and thereupon almost twisted his neck behind him, which made him cry out most lamentably, threatening