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How Dr. Faustus conjured up the Devil, making him appear in a wood.

FAustus, whose mind was to study conjuration, the which he followed night and day, he took the wings of an eagle, and endeavoured to fly over the world, to see and know all the secrets of heaven and earth: In a short time he attained power to command the devil to appear before him when he pleased. One day as Dr. Faustus was walking in a wood near to Wirtemberg in Germany, and having a friend with him, that was desirous to know the Doctor's art, he desired him to let him see if he could then and there bring Mephostophiles before them; all which the Doctor immediately did, and the devil upon the first call, made such a noise in the wood, as if heaven and earth would have come together; the devil made such a roaring, as if the wood had been full of wild beasts. The Doctor made a circle for the devil, the which circle the devil ran round making a noise, as if ten thousand waggons had been running upon paved stones: After this it thundered and lightened as if the whole earth had been on fire. Faustus and his friend amazed at this noise, and the devil's long tarrying, thought to leave his circle; whereupon the devil made him such music, the like was never heard in the world; this so ravished Faustus that he began again to conjure Mephostophiles in the name of the Prince of the Devils, to appear in his own likeness; whereupon, in an instant, hung over his head a mighty dragon. Faustus calls again after his former manner, after which there was a cry in the wood, as if hell had been opened, and all the tormented soulshad