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MACMILLAN & CO.'S P UBLICATIONS. HISTORICAL COURSE FOR SCHOOLS. Edited by Edward A. Freeman, D.C. L., Regius Professor of Modern Histoi-y in the University of Oxford. I. GENERAL SKETCH OF EUROPEAN HIS- TORY. By EDWARD A. FREEMAN, D.C.L. New Edition, revised and enlarged, with Chronological Table, Maps, and Index. 181110, cloth. 3s. (}d. "It supplies the great want of a good foundation for historical teaching. The scheme is an excellent one, and this instalment has been e.xecut.=d in a way that promises much for the volumes that are yet to appear." — Educational Times. II. HISTORY OF ENGLAND. By Edith TH' )MPSON. New Edition, revised and enlarged, with Coloured Maps. i8mo. 2J. (yd. III. HISTORY OF SCOTLAND. By Margaret MACARTHUR. New Edition. iSmo. 2^. " An excellent summary, unimpeachable as to facts, and putting them in the clearest and most impartial light attainable." — Guardian. IV. HISTORY OF ITALY. By the Rev. W. HUNT, M.A. iSmo. 3^. (,d. " It possesses the some solid merit as its predecessors .... the same scrupulous care about fidelity in details. . . It is distinguished, too, by information on art, architecture, and social politics, in which the writer's grasp is seen by the firmness and clearness of his touch." — Educational Times. V. HISTORY OF GERMANY. By J. Sime, M.A. i8mo. 3^. " A remarkably clear and impressive hi;tory of Germany. Its great events are wisely kept as central figures, and the smaller events are carefully kept, not only ^subordinate and subservient, but most skilfully woven into the texture of the historical tapestry presented to the eye." — Standard. VI. HISTORY OF AMERICA. By John A. DOYLE. With Maps. iSmo. 4.?. kd. " Mr. Doyle has performed his task with admirable care, fulness, and clear- ness, and (oT the first time we have for schools an accurate and interesting history of America, from the earliest to the present time." — Standard. VII. EUROPEAN COLONIES. By E. J. Payne, M.A. With Maps. i8mo. 4^ 6d. " We have seldom met with an historian capable of forming a more com- prehensive, far-seeing, and unprejudiced estimate of events and peoples, and we can commend this little w rk as one certain to prove of the highest interest to all thoughtful readers." — Times. VIII. FRANCE. By Charlotte M. Yonge. With Maps. i8mo. 3.?. 6d. " An admirable text-book for the lecture-room." — Academy. GREECE. By Edward A. Freeman, D.C.L. [/« preparation. ROME, By Edward A. Freeman, D.C.L. [/« ike prest. MACMILLAN AND CO., LONDON,