Page:Hoffmann's Strange Stories - Hoffman - 1855.djvu/342

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it seemed as if Providence had chosen her as an agent to clear up this intricate mystery, and that it was impossible for her now to retreat. At length, having formed her resolution, she answered Desgrais with great dignity. "The task devolved on me is indeed painful and repugnant to my feelings; but Heaven will grant me patience and composure to undergo that which I know to be my duty. Bring the criminal hither this evening, and I shall speak with him as you desire."


Just as formerly, when Brusson came with the jewels, there was a knocking about midnight at the house-door, which Baptiste, who was forewarned of this visit, immediately opened. A shivering coldness pervaded every nerve in de Scuderi's frame, when, by the measured steps and hollow murmuring voices, she was aware that the gens d'armes, who had brought the prisoner, divided their forces, and took their stations to keep watch in different corners of the corridor, At last the door of her chamber was slowly opened. Desgrais stepped in, and behind him the criminal, who was now freed from his fetters, and well dressed. "Please your ladyship," said the police officer, "here is the prisoner;" and, according to promise, he retired, without another word, to his post in the corridor.

Brusson now fell on his knees before the venerable lady, elapsed his hands imploringly, and burst into tears,—while de Scuderi became very pale, and looked at him without being able to speak. Though his features were now changed and disfigured by the sufferings he had undergone, yet on his naturally fine countenance there was an expression of truth and honesty, which pleaded more than words could have done in his favor. Besides, the longer that de Scuderi observed him, the more forcibly there arose on her mind the idea of some person whom she had once known and loved, but whose