Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/101

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i JAN STEEN 77 from the front, upon which are a copper mortar, dead fowls, game, and vegetables, stands a lad with a duck under his arm. Beside him is a young girl holding an egg, with an old man and a peasant woman, whom a man is kissing. With accessories. (See Note following 889.) Panel, ii inches by 18 inches. [This is the same as 388.] Sales. J. D. Nijman, Amsterdam, August 16, 1797, No. 239 (150 florins). London, June 14, 1907, No. 47 (ji68o, Dowdeswell). 259. A Market. At a house-door in the foreground sits a peasant, who has bought a cock from a comely woman with a pail on her arm. Numerous other market people are seen on one side in the distance. The picture is carefully executed as if it were by G. Metsu. Copper, 14 inches by 10 inches. Sales. P. Fouquet, Amsterdam, April 13, 1801, No. 67. M. Udink, Amsterdam, October 28, 1888, No. 55 (506 florins, Hulswit). 260. THE WOMAN GAME-DEALER. The woman sits in the foreground on a staircase leading to a large pillared hall ; she is sur- rounded by all kinds of game. A sportsman at her back is addressing her; he carries a musket and holds up a hare in his right hand. In the back- ground is a view of a village and a clump of trees. It is in a very bad state of preservation, but is to all appearance genuine. The price paid at the sale was probably given for the sake of the finely carved wooden frame. Canvas, 40 inches by 50 inches. Sale. Merlo, Cologne, December 9, 1891, No. 177 (75 marks, or 3 : I 53.). 261. The Woman selling Vegetables. Sm. 42 and 61 ; W. 349 and 350 A view of a town with a large stone gateway, through which is seen a canal. In the foreground sits the woman, with different kinds of vegetables on a bench in front of her. She holds out a basket of vegetables to a maid-servant, who has a copper market pail on her arm. Near her is a well-dressed boy, who, with hat in hand, makes a bow. The picture is a masterpiece, both in composition and in execution, and is equal to a G. Metsu. Panel, 29 inches by 24 inches. Described by Descamps. Sale. Couwerven, Middelburg (Hoet, ii. 538), Leyden, July 31, 1765, No. 50 (115 florins). De Montribloud, Paris, 1784 (570 francs) (described as on canvas). Jan Gildemeester Jansz, Amsterdam, June u, 1800, No. 202 (575 florins, Wijnands). 262. A Sale of Fruit. Before a house with a verandah stand several people and children in front of a fruit stall. Signed in full ; panel, 18 inches by 14^ inches. Sale. Schultz and others, Amsterdam, July 10, 1826, No. 103 (136 florins, Gild).