Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/135

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i JAN STEEN in 424^. A Hurdy-Gurdy Player. A small picture. Sale. Jakob van Hoek, Amsterdam, April 12, 1719, No. 77 (26 florins). 424*. A Joyous Music-Party, with the Portrait of the Artist. [In W. 124 identified with the Demidoff di San Donate "Music-party " (442)-] Saks. Amsterdam, January 21, 1733, No. 8 (250 florins). Amsterdam, April 2, 1734, No. 10 (100 florins). 424/1 A Small Picture with a Fiddler and other Persons. Sale. Amsterdam, April 19, 1735, No. 38 (n florins 5). 424^. A Painter teaching his Wife to play the Lute. Gise catalogue, Bonn, 1742, No. 141. 424/1. Musicians. Gise catalogue, Bonn, 1742, No. 330. 425. A Flute-Player. Near him is an old man, offering a cake to a young girl. Panel, 23 inches by 2o| inches. Sale. Jacoba Keiser, Alkmaar, June 2, 1766, No. 4 (112 florins, with the pendant) ; the pendant was "An old man jesting with a girl" (721). 426. The Girl playing a Lute. Near her are an old woman playing a violin, and an old man filling his pipe. With other accessories. Very well executed. Panel, n^ inches by 9 inches. Sale. Hendrik Verschuring, The Hague, September 17, 1770, No. 166. 427. A Lady at the Harpsichord. W. 463. Near her is a man sitting on a chest and leaning his arm on the harpsichord j he holds a glass in his hand. In the foreground is a dog ; in the background is a woman peeling apples. Panel, 26 inches by 22 inches. Sale. D. Fiers Kappeyne, Amsterdam, April 25, 1775. 428. A Happy Company. W. 331. The host brings a jug and a glass j a man plays a lute. 17! inches by 24 inches. Sale. D. Fiers Kappeyne, Amsterdam, April 25, 1775. 4280. A Peasant Playing the Violin. Panel, 9 inches by yj inches. Sale. Pieck-Le Leu de Wilhelm, The Hague, May 28, 1777, No. 3 (54 florins, Spruyt). 428^. A Man Singing, with many Listeners. Panel, 14! inches by 13! inches. Sale. Amsterdam, July 13, 1790, No. 97 (36 florins, Coders)