Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/169

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i JAN STEEN 145 To the right a young man is drawing a jug of wine from a cask. To the left, in front of a table, sits a young woman, to whom a little girl is speaking. An old woman at the table holds her ears. Behind her are a laughing maid-servant and a pair of lovers embracing. Under the table is a dog. Signed with the monogram ; canvas, 45! inches by 55 inches. Now in the collection of P. Semeonoff, St. Petersburg. [A copy of the picture, measuring 35 inches by 44 inches, which some regard as an original* and which is signed in full, is in the Leipzig Museum, 1891 catalogue, No. 556; it was given by A. Thieme. It was included as an original in the sale of M. Stategaart, Alkmaar, July 27, 1802, No. 2 (31 florins, Gruyter).] 5380. A Company. Fine, very good work. Sale. Amsterdam, April 9, 1687 (Hoet, i. 8), No. 56 (130 florins). 538^. A Merry Company. Sale. Amsterdam, May 18, 1706 (Hoet, i. 95), No. 1 8 (40 florins). 539. A Merry Company. 21 inches by 18 inches. Sale. Samuel van Huls, The Hague, September 3, 1737, No. 101 (105 florins). [Westrheene had no reason for identifying this with the copy of the Rijks- museum picture in the possession of Ch. Sedelmeyer ; see 523.] 539#. An Interior. Sale. Amsterdam, April 15, 1739 (Hoet, i. 584), No. 157 (32 florins). 540. A Company of Five Persons. W. 306. Very fine, of the artist's best period. 22 inches by 19! inches. Sale. M. Hoeken and Th. Hartsoeker, The Hague, May i, 1742, No. 67 (30 florins). 541. A Drunken Company. W. 307. Carefully executed. 26 inches by 30 inches. Sale. Floris Drabbe, Leyden, April I, 1743, No. 24 (200 florins). 542. A Merry Company, with many Persons. W. 311. Very humorous and delicately rendered ; of his best period. 35 inches by 32^ inches. Sale. Lambert Witsen, Amsterdam, May 25, 1746, No. 9 (215 florins). 542*?. A Merry Company. 21 inches by 17 inches. Sale. Swalmius, Rotterdam, May 15, 1747, No. 7 (100 florins). 542^. A Merry Company. W. 313. A small picture. Sale. The Hague, July 15, 1749 (Terw. 54), No. 27 (33 florins). VOL. I L