Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/174

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ISO JAN STEEN SECT. 570^. An Interior, with Figures. Panel, 16 inches by i inches. Sale. C. R. S. Toe Laer, Amsterdam, July 28 1828, No. 85 (i florin, Roelvink). 5 7 or. A Merry Company. Sale. F. M. Netscher, Rotterdam, April 8, 1829, No. 141 (20 florins, Lamme). 571. A Merry Company at Table. Canvas, 26J inches by 33 inches. Sale. W. Hendriks, Amsterdam, February 27, 1832, No. 132 (40 florins, Gruyter). 572. A Merry Company. Sm. 198 ; W. 300. Amidst an intoxi- cated company a woman sits asleep by the fire. A jovial man amuses his neighbours by lifting up the woman's skirt with a pair of tongs. Another, whose stockings have slipped down, raises his glass to propose a toast. Canvas, 26^ inches by 2O| inches. Sale. At Christie's, London, 1832 (Chaplin). 573. A Family at Table. Sm. 64 ; W. 82. A company of ten persons, most of whom are seated round a table. A stout man in the foreground has risen from his seat and drinks off a glass. On his right is a comely woman putting food on her plate. It is " painted in the artist's finished manner" (Sm.). Panel, 14 inches by 17! inches. In the collection of Peter Norton, 1833 (Sm.). Possibly identical with " The Well-Fed Family " in the Liechtenstein Gallery (115). 574. Merry Persons playing and dancing in an Arbour. Canvas, 24 1 inches by 31^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, April I, 1833, No. 163 (20 florins, Harrington). 575. A Merry Company of Men and Women. By J. Steen, or in his manner. Panel, 23! inches by 18 inches. Sale. J. B. van der Bergh, Amsterdam, July 15, 1833, No. 231. 575#. A Numerous Company of Men, Women, and Children in an Interior. Sale. B. Mallinus, Brussels, September 22, 1842, No. I. 576. A Merry Company. They are seated at a table covered with dishes of food and other accessories. Signed in full in the foreground j panel, 14! inches by 20^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, November 21, 1843, No. 92 (41 florins, Roos). 577. A Country Feast. In front of an inn drunken people divert themselves with drinking, talking, and dancing ; a man plays the flute. Panel, 7^ inches by 9^ inches. Sale. Heris, Brussels, June 19, 1846, No. 72.