Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/193

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i JAN STEEN 169 by grasping her apron, while another man invites her to dance ; a third man sits composedly on a log, with his pipe and jug. Farther back are other figures and various accessories. "This is a brilliantly coloured and beautiful example of the master, painted in the style of Teniers, with the addition of that natural humour and variety of character peculiar alone to Jan Steen" (Sm.). Panel, 27! inches by 25^ inches. Described by Waagen and Nagler. Probably the picture of the Copius sale, 1786 (641). Sale. Paignon Dijonval, Paris, December 17, 1821 ; purchased with the collection by Emmerson. In the collection of Jeremiah Harman, 1833 (Sm.). Sales. Jeremiah Harman, London, 1844 (^630, French). T. French, London, 1855 (^273, Nieuwenhuys). 646. The Dancing Couple. W. 41. Under an arbour in front of a cottage a man and a woman are dancing. At a table to the right sit a man and an old woman ; nearer to the foreground a young man jests with a young woman who is drinking. In the right foreground a woman holds on her lap a child with a toy. On the left a man and a woman are drink- ing ; near them are two musicians, a fiddler who stands on a barrel and a flute player. Behind a platform are a peasant with a basket on his head and other figures. Several details and the faulty execution of some of the figures suggest that this is a copy, though other peculiarities would seem to show that it has been unskilfully repainted. Canvas, 22 inches by 28 inches. In the Hope collection, London, there was a similar picture, of larger dimensions and with the composition reversed (655). The picture mentioned in a footnote to that entry, which was in Charles Brind's collection in 1833, and was sold in 1849, agrees also with the picture just described both in details and in size. The picture of the Fouquet sale and the Schneider sale (479) is probably identical with this one. Exhibited at Leyden, 1850, No. 143. In the collection of Van der Berch van Heemstede, Leyden, 1856 (W.). The picture long since passed out of the possession of the family, and was not in the sale of the collection at Amsterdam, 1903. 647. A Country Fair. W. 43. On the right is a stage with a quack doctor calling out for customers. In the foreground a peasant cries turnips for sale. Behind him is a dentist pulling out a peasant's tooth. Near him is a woman with an anxious look. A blind ratcatcher is led by a dog. Farther away are some poor boys and old people. Panel, 16 inches by 20 inches. Sales. J. Bleuland, Utrecht, May 6, 1839, No. 307 (1300 florins).

  • Munnicks van Cleef, Utrecht, December 10, 1860, and Paris, April

4, 1864, No. 87 (2960 francs). 648. A Country Merrymaking. Many persons are diverting them- selves in front of an old building. Canvas, 32 inches by 45 inches. In the Hohenzollern-Hechingen collection, Lowenberg, 1863 (Parthey, ii. No. n).