Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/200

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1 76 JAN STEEN SECT. Sale. Jan Jacob Brants, Amsterdam, April 20, 1813, No. 27 (1000 florins, De Vos). In the Valedau collection, Paris, 1829 (Sm.). Now in the Montpellier Museum, Valedau bequest, 1890 catalogue, No. 761. 672. A COUNTRY INN. At a table to the left a peasant lights his pipe at a charcoal-pan ; a jovial fellow near raises his glass. The figure most strongly illumined is that of a woman seated in front, who is eating broth. She looks round at the hostess, who stands to the right with a jug in her left hand and takes money from a peasant who has a basket of game slung over his shoulder. A door on the right leads to the open air. Signed in full ; panel, 22 inches by 26 inches. Formerly in the collection of Jules Forges, Paris. In the possession of the dealer Ch. Sedelmeyer, Paris, " Catalogue of 100 Paintings," 1897, No. 40; and exhibited by him, Paris, 1901. Now in the collection of J. Hage, Nivaa. 673. RUSTICS AT AN INN. Six jovial persons. Signed very clearly in the left-hand bottom corner. In the collection of the late Leopold Goldschmidt, Paris. 674. THE MEAL OF EGGS. Sm. Suppl. 63 ; W. 393. In an arbour before the door of a cottage a peasant sits at a tub, eating eggs ; he has given one to a little girl sitting in an infant's chair. He is amused at the child's clumsiness, while the mother, who holds a pewter dish with a ham on it, looks anxious. A boy sucks the contents of an egg. At a window high up on the left is a dog. On the tub are a napkin and an earthenware dish with four eggs in it. The scene is illumined with bright sunshine. [Compare 683.] Signed in full on the tub ; canvas, 27 J inches by 2O| inches. Sale. Kleinenbergh, Leyden, July 19, 1841, No. 214 (803 florins, Nieuwen- huys ; or Burton, according to Sm.). In the collection of the late Maurice Kann, Paris. 675. A WOMAN STANDING AND DRINKING FROM A TALL GLASS. The picture is somewhat damaged, but is otherwise good. In the possession of the dealer Kleinberger, Paris, 1898 (A. Bredius). 676. A PEASANT SMOKING IN A TAVERN. He sits, turning partly to the right, on a bench. In the right background another peasant stands with a jug in his hand, conversing with the hostess. It is painted in a sketchy style and is somewhat dull in colour. Signed in full in the left-hand bottom corner ; panel, 15 inches by 12 J inches. Formerly in the Gotzkowski collection. Now in the Hermitage Palace, St. Petersburg, 1901 catalogue, No. 902. [Compare 679/1] 677. WOMEN SMOKING. A young girl in a fur- trimmed