Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/211

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i JAN STEEN 187 Due de Praslin, 1793 (426 francs). (Probably) Amsterdam, August 6, 1816, No. 75 ; but two dogs are mentioned in the foreground. P. C. Haemacher, Amsterdam, November 30, 1897, No. 102 (1800 florins, Koeckoek of London). 709. The Drinker. A half-length of a man in a grey coat and a broad felt hat. He holds with both hands a large jug, which he presses to his breast with rapture. Signed in full on the right ; panel, 27 inches by 19 inches. Sale. Von Woyna and others, Bonn, March i, 1898, No. 206. 710. Two Men jesting with a Girl. She holds a jug and a wine- glass. Three other persons are at the back of the room. Canvas, 24^ inches by 30 inches. Sale. Berlin, April 5, 1898, No. 60. 711. A Tavern Scene. The hostess presents a glass of wine, after tasting it, to a guest seated in the foreground. A man seated behind them, smoking his pipe, looks on with a smile ; another man stands near at the hearth. The host leans against the half-opened door and looks out ; in the background a dog drinks from a pail. In the foreground is a bench ; on the walls are a kettle, bottles, and plates. It is not a very attractive piece. Signed in full ; panel, 14 J inches by 12 J inches. Sales. Amsterdam, October 6, 1809, No. 63. Heymel, Berlin, November 5, 1889, No. 12 (1510 marks). In the collection of H. Krauspe, Berlin. Sales. Frankfort-on-the-Main, March 9, 1897, No. 55. Isenburg and others, Frankfort, October 3, 1898, No. 250. 712. A Tavern Scene. At a table sits a man conversing with a girl. Behind them stands an older man. Signed with the monogram ; canvas, 14 inches by n| inches. Sale. Forst and others, Cologne, December 13, 1899, No. 117. 712*7. A Tavern Scene. Two men and a woman are drinking and talking. In the room are various accessories. Panel, u| inches by io| inches. Sale. Delitt and others, Cologne, February 5, 1900, No. 67. Three Topers. In the courtyard of an inn three peasants are drinking beer. One reclines on a bench, smoking. Another raises his glass. The third rests his head on the table. Signed somewhat faintly on the left ; canvas on panel, 16 inches by 1 6 inches. Sale. Schippers and others, Berlin, February 19, 1900, No. 63. 713. Peasants and a Waggon in front of an Inn. 38 inches by 35 inches. Sale. De Falbe, London, May 19, 1900, No. 129.