Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/217

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i JAN STEEN 193 Signed in full in the right-hand bottom corner ; canvas, i6| inches by 14 inches. Described by Nagler and Waagen (ii. 10). Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, 1883, No. 245. Sale. J. Rendorp, Amsterdam, October 16, 1793, and July 9, 1794, No. 54 (365 florins, Yver). [At the sale, Amsterdam, November 16, 1819, No. 68 (44 florins, Vinkeles) was a picture of the same size ; but the low price paid forbids one to identify this with the picture described above.] In the collection of King William IV., 1833 (Sm.). Now in the Royal collection at Buckingham Palace, London, 1885 catalogue, No. 157. 727. The Card-Players. Sm. 126 ; W. 374. It is a composition of four persons, two of whom, a young man and a comely young woman, are playing cards. The young man appears to be the dupe of his adversary. Seated on his left, she holds her cards in one hand while with the other she hides the ace of spades. Another woman sits by the hearth, with her back to the spectator ; and a man stands by her, with a pipe in his hand. [The Royal Academy catalogue, however, states that four persons stand by the hearth.] A spaniel -lies behind the young woman's chair, from the back of which hangs a sword. An open door on the right leads into an adjoining room, in which are a man and a woman. " This is a beautiful and highly finished production" (Sm.). Signed in full ; panel, i8| inches by 24 inches. Described by Waagen (ii. 329). Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1884, No. 108. Sales. At Stanley's, London, 1824 (85 : is., Emmerson). (Privately), London, 1825 (about ^250, M. Zachary). (Privately by Sm.), London, before 1833 (^200, Oppenheim). Oppenheim, London, 1864 (294, Haines). W. Delafield, London, 1870 (525, Pearce). Now in the collection of S. Herman de Zoete, London. 728. A TAVERN SCENE BY CANDLELIGHT. Sm. Suppl. 86 ; W. 70. At a table to the right of a room lighted by six candles, two men and a woman are playing cards. Two men, one of whom has a pipe, stand and look on. Nearer to the front on the left a women opens oysters ; a little girl and a laughing boy stand beside her and watch her. In the background to the left several women sit by the hearth. In the middle of the background is a bed ; near it is a staircase leading to a balcony, on which a man is conversing with a woman. Beneath the balcony is an open door, at which a boy with a candle enters. " This excellent picture appears to have been painted in competition with .... Gerard Dou" (Sm.). Signed ; panel, 1 6 inches by 2i| inches. Described by Waagen (Suppl. 155). Sales. Jan Jacob Brants, Amsterdam, April 20, 1813, No. 29 (505 florins, Van Yperen). J. Meijnders, Amsterdam, April 23, 1838, No. 40 (1900 florins, Brondgeest). VOL. I O