Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/242

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218 JAN STEEN SECT. 807. A Tavern Scene. In the foreground a man sits in a jovial attitude, holding a glass in one hand and embracing a woman with the other. At the back a peasant lights his pipe ; a minstrel leans on the half-door, singing. Panel, 22| inches by 19! inches. Sale. J. A. Brentano, Amsterdam, May 13, 1822, No. 323 (300 florins). 808. A Couple of Lovers. The girl eats a pie. The man, laughing loudly, holds his glass up in the air. Panel, 9 inches by 8 inches. Sale. S. J. Stinstra and others, Amsterdam, May 22, 1822, No. 165. 809. A Man and a Woman seated at Table. The woman drinks from a glass. The. man takes hold of a jug standing near a pie. Panel, loj inches by 8| inches. Sale. De Beehr and Van Leeuwen, Amsterdam, November 14, 1825, No. 96 (6 florins 10, Huybrechts). 809*7. Two Persons jesting with one another. An attractive little picture. Sale. Rotterdam, June 9, 1828, No. 270. 809^. Two Lovers. Sale. Amsterdam, April 13, 1829, No. 380 (2 florins 10, together with No. 379). 809^-. A Love Scene. An old man courts a young maid-servant, who holds a glass. Panel, 16 inches by i inches. Sale. P. J. de Marneffe, Brussels, May 24, 1830, No. 287. 810. A Love Scene. Sm. 87 ; W. 59. An old man chucks a young girl under the chin. She holds out a coin to him witbf [a significant expression. Panel, 22 inches by 18 inches. [W. wrongly identified this with the picture of the Hasselaar sale ; see 797.] Exhibited in the British Gallery, 1826 and 1827. In the collection of King William IV., London, 1833 (Sm.). Sioa. A Pair of Lovers. Panel, 9 inches by 8 inches. Sale. P. van Romondt, Amsterdam, May II, 1835, No. 135 (10 florins). 811. The Pet Pigeon. Sm. Suppl. 17; W. 387. A young couple sit together in the foreground of a landscape, amusing themselves with a white pigeon which is perched on the girl's arm. Three other pigeons are near them. Behind them is an elderly man with a fowl that he has just taken from a basket. Canvas, 26 inches by 32 inches. Sales. H. ten Kate, Amsterdam, June 10, 1801, No. 145 (205 florins, Pruyssenaar). London, 1836 (36 : 155.).