Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/252

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228 JAN STEEN SECT. pocket of a cavalier lying on the floor. Another woman hands .the cava- lier's purse to a man outside the room. Canvas, 31 inches by 14 inches. Sale. Boymans, Utrecht, August 31, 1811, No. A. 79. [Compare 851.] 8406-. A Peasant gives Money to a Young Woman. The woman sits in front of a bed. Farther back are other figures. Sale. Amsterdam, June 22, 1814, No. 135. 840^. Peasants gambling with Wenches in a Tavern. Panel, 15! inches by 17 inches. Sale. Baroness van Leyden, nee Countess Thorns, Warmond, July 31, 1816, No. 36 (200 florins). 841. The Bedroom. Sm. 187 ; W. 126. An old man lying in bed endeavours to detain a woman whom he holds by the apron. She stretches out her hand to her companion. Panel, 17! inches by i6| inches. According to W. a similar picture was in a sale at The Hague, 1747 (26 florins 10); apparently this is confused with a picture in the 1749 sale (see 836^). In the possession of Fennel, London, 1833 (Sm.). 842. The tempting Offer. Sm. 186; W. 381. A middle-aged man, wearing a cloak and a slouch hat, offers a young woman a ring. She with evident hesitation appears to refuse it, but stretches out one hand to her lover ; in the other hand she holds a goblet. The figures are half- length. Panel, 13 inches by u inches. Imported from Holland into England by Chaplin before 1833 (Sm.). 843. The Dupe. Sm. 122 and 179; W. 372. A peasant sits holding a fiddle in one hand and a pipe in the other. A young woman at whom he gazes fondly takes the opportunity of emptying his pockets. She is helped by an old woman who hands a glass of wine to the fiddler. The scene is laid in a garden. It is " painted in a free and hasty manner " (Sm.). Panel, 15 inches by 18^ inches. Engraved by Sibelius. In the Roos collection, Amsterdam, 1833 (Sm.). 844. The Admonition. Sm. Suppl. 20; W. 388. A girl, dressed in a blue jacket with yellow sleeves and a dark-grey skirt, sits in profile with her arm on the back of a chair and a glass in her hand. She looks attentively at an elderly woman who sits near her leaning on the table, and appears by her expression and gesture to be giving advice to her friend. A pewter pot and a cake stand on the table. It is " painted in a neat manner and subdued tone of colouring" (Sm.). Panel, 12 inches by n inches. Sale. At Christie's, London, 1836 (16: 53 : 6d.).