Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/258

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234 JAN STEEN SECT. 860. PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST. Sm. 182; W. i. A half-length, life size. The figure is turned slightly to the right ; the hands rest on the back of a chair. His long brown curls fall on his shoulders ; he has a small moustache. He wears a dark grey costume with a white collar that reaches down to his breast. In the background to the right is a landscape. An " indifferently painted picture " (Sm.). Signed in full on a stone balustrade to the right ; canvas, 29 inches by 24^ inches. Described by Ch. Blanc. Sale. J. van der Marck, Amsterdam, August 25, 1773, No. 458. Bought by C. H. Hodges in Amsterdam, 1821. Now in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1905 catalogue, No. 2232 ; it was there in 1833 (Sm.). 861. PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST, OR OF ONE OF HIS SONS. The figure, a half-length, life size, is turned to the right. He lays his right hand on his breast, and lets the other hang down. He looks towards the spectator. The dress is black ; the face is healthy in colour and still very youthful. Now in the Von Liphart collection, Rathshof, near Dorpat. 862. The Artist as a Beggar. In the centre of a market-place an old woman sells fruit to a woman in blue. On the right is a beggar holding out his hat ; in front of him is a dog. On the left stand two youths ; other persons are in the background. Signed in full j panel, 16 inches by 19 inches. Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1882, No. 241. In the collection of the Rev. John Daubuz, London. 863. PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST ; A WHOLE LENGTH. Sm. 121 ; W. 64. He s-its in a chair turned slightly to the right, with his legs crossed in a comfortable attitude. He is playing a mandoline and merrily singing to his own accompaniment. He wears a brown jacket with yellow sleeves, green slashed hose, and a dark red cap. A reddish-brown cloak hangs on the back of the chair. On a table to the right are some books and a pewter pot. Behind him is a dark green curtain. The various textures are well distinguished and delicately ren- dered, and the composition is spirited. Panel, 22 inches by i6| inches. Described by Waagen (ii. 184). [Engraved by C. W. Marr as frontispiece to Sm., vol. iv.] Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, 1889, No. 77 ; at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1900, No. 38 ; at the Guildhall, London, 1903, No. 141 ; at the Portrait Exhibition, The Hague, 1903, No. 121*. Sales. Sir J. Yonge, London (31 : ios., Forman). J. A. Brentano, Amsterdam, May 13, 1822, No. 324 (90 florins, or 295 florins). [Sm.] A. Meynts, Amsterdam, July 15, 1823, No. 120 (397 florins, Engelberts).