Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/261

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i JAN STEEN 237 B66/ Jan Steen and his Wife, seated at Table and asleep. 144 inches by 17 inches. Sale. The Hague, March 31, 1770, No. 7 (8 florins). %66g. Jan Steen and his Wife at Music. n inches by 9 inches. Sale. A. and S. de Groot, The Hague, March 20, 1771, No. 22 (43 florins, Rouwalt). 866A. Jan Steen and his Wife in Merry Mood at a Tavern. The accessories and all kinds of domestic utensils are painted in a spirited manner. Panel, 2i|- inches by 26 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, June 13, 1809, No. 138. 866*. The Artist's Family (or, A Garden Scene). Sm. 199. The scene is supposed to represent Jan Steen's house and garden at the time when he carried on the business of a brewer. It is a fine afternoon. Steen's wife has set out a table with a meal in front of the house, and is seated at the table with her children. Jan Steen is conversing with a woman in an arbour in the garden. Canvas, about 21 inches by 27 inches. In the possession of the dealer Albertus Brondgeest, Amsterdam, 1813. In the possession of the dealer Chaplin, 1833 (Sm.). 867. Portrait of the Artist and his Wife. W. 183. Canvas, 1 6^ inches by 14 inches. In the Leuchtenberg Gallery, Munich, 1856 (W.) ; this collection is now in St. Petersburg. [Compare 868, a picture of the same size.] 868. Portrait of the Artist with his Wife, who plays the Mandoline. Near them is a man-servant. In the left background of the room is a window with bull's-eye panes. On the right is a bed with a canopy and green curtains. Steen's wife is seated in the centre of the foreground ; she wears a yellow silk dress and a pink silk bodice. To the left, and farther back, sits Jan Steen in a comfortable attitude ; he leans his right arm on a table, upon which is an orange, and in his left hand holds out a glass which the servant fills. A picture hangs on the wall at the back. Signed in full to the right on the wooden framework of the bed ; panel, i6| inches by 14 inches. Sales. Favart, Paris, March 24, 1860. Neven, Cologne, May 17, 1879, No. 192. 869. A COMPANY IN A GARDEN, APPARENTLY THE ARTIST'S FAMILY. Sm. Suppl. 94 ; W. 75. In the centre of the foreground the artist and his wife sit at a table, upon which are the remains of a meal. The artist, wearing a loose yellow jacket, sits to the right, smoking a pipe. His wife is asleep, with her arms resting on the table. On the left two children are blowing soap-bubbles. In the background a