Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/263

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i JAN STEEN 239 a basket near her are pastries ; some cracknels are hung on the window- frame. On the right Jan Steen's boy blows a horn. The picture has on the back a long Dutch inscription, which may be translated as follows : ' This is a family piece, ' The baker is the portrait of Arent Oostwaard, 'The woman . . . Catharina Keizerswaard, 'The youth is done after a son of Jan Steen's, ' This baker and his wife have lived on the [Old] Rhine, three or four houses from the Vrouwebrugge, between the Vrouwesteeg and the Hospital in Leyden. It is now, January 1738, more than 79 years past since the picture was painted." Thus the picture was painted about 1658. It is carefully executed. The textures are very well rendered. The colouring is fine, and the drawing correct. It recalls a similar picture by A. Van Ostade. Signed in full in the left-hand bottom corner ; panel, 15 inches by I2| inches. Described by Nagler and Ch. Blanc. Engraved by J. Bemme. Sales. J. P. Wierman, Amsterdam, August 18, 1762, No. 45 (160 florins). G. van der Pot, Rotterdam, June 6, 1808, No. 119 (705 florins, Johs. Eck en Zoon for the Amsterdam Museum). Now in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1905 catalogue, No. 2233. 872^7. Portrait of Metsu and his Wife. Sm. 29 ; W. 476. Half- length figures. [Perhaps two pictures.] Panel, 8 inches by 6^ inches ; rounded off at the top. Sale. Paris, 1774 (1280 francs). 872/5*. Portrait of Jan van Goyen. Carefully executed. Panel, 8J inches by 7 inches. Sale. J. G. Cramer, Amsterdam, November 13, 1769, No. 92 (46 florins, Nieuhoff). 872*:. Michael Nostradamus seated at Table. Panel, 9! inches by 8 inches. Sale. London, June 22, 1903, No. 75. 873. Portrait of a Young Man. A half-length. The man is turned to the right j he has long black hair, and wears a light dress. The background is dark. Panel, 17 inches by 14 inches. Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1884, No. 230. In the collection of the Marquess of Lansdowne, Bowood. 874. A YOUNG HORSEMAN. A beardless youth with long hair, in a handsome costume, rides to the right on a black horse and looks at the spectator. He holds a switch in his right hand and the reins in his left ; he has a red saddle. On the right a dog is running with the horse ;