Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/265

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i JAN STEEN 241 Indeed, the landscape is very good for him j only the figure, from its large size, makes an unfavourable impression. Signed in full in the right-hand bottom corner ; panel, 23 inches by 17 inches. Sale. James Orrock, London, June 4, 1904, No. 296. 876*. Portrait of a Woman in a Landscape. A three-quarter length. Sale. J. C. Werther, Amsterdam, April 25, 1792, No. 151. 877. Portrait of a Child with a Garland of Flowers. Panel, 6 inches by 7 inches ; oval. Sale. Comte F. de Robiano, Brussels, May I, 1837, No. 618. 878. SO-CALLED PORTRAIT OF THE BURGOMASTER OF DELFT AND HIS DAUGHTER. The man sits in the centre, upon the steps in front of his house ; he holds a sheet of paper. His daughter descends two steps to the left towards the spectator. The man is dressed in black ; the girl has a blue skirt and a greyish-purple gown. A beggar-woman in red, with a boy, addresses the man from the right. In the distance, to the right, is the tower of the Oude Kerk, at Delft ; to the left of the man's head is seen a small tower. A stone bridge, bearing the arms of the town, leads over the Oude Delft. To the left, in the window of the house, is a bouquet of flowers in a glass. The house projects slightly in front of the other houses in the street. The foliage of trees covers part of the picture. The picture is authentic, but not a masterpiece. The man's head is too large in relation to the girl. Since the sale of 1808 the picture has passed under the name of " The Burgomaster of Delft and his Daughter." If the tradition is correct, the persons represented are Geraldo Briel van Welhoeck (1593-1665) with his daughter Anna, who was born in 1638, and married in 1656 Adriaan Bogaert van Beloys. Signed in the full on the edge of a step, and dated 1655 ; canvas, 32 J inches by 27 inches. Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1882, No. 238. Sales. E. M. Engelberts and Tersteeg, Amsterdam, June 13, 1808, No. 142 (75 florins, Nieuwenhuys). Domsert, London, 1811 (88, Charlesson). Purchased by Edward, Lord Penrhyn, from the dealer, Nieuwenhuys. Now in the collection of Lord Penrhyn, Penrhyn Castle. 8780. A Fisherman and his Family. Sale. Hankey, London, 1799 (73 : ios., Fowler). 878^. A fine Gentleman, a Lady, and a Beggar. Sale. Brooks, London, 1871 (147, bought in). VOL. I R