Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/286

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262 GABRIEL METSU SECT. 22. A Nun at Prayer. With appropriate accessories. 144 inches by 12 inches. Sale. Van Dijl, Amsterdam, January 10, 1814, No. 106. 23. A Priest. Sale. Amsterdam, May 9, 1696, No. I (n florins). 24. A MAN WITH PEN IN HAND, AND A MAID- SERVANT WITH A CANDLE (or, "The Letter indited"). Sm. 69. A man in grey, with long black curls falling over his shoulders, sits to the right at a table with a red carpet. He lays one hand on an open book and holds a pen in the other. He appears to be reading and revising what he has written. From the background to the right comes a maid- servant with a lighted candle. To the left is a bookcase. It is a very good work. Sm. regards this as a pendant to 183. Signed in full on a book ; panel, 10 inches by Q| inches. Sales. The dowager Boreel, Amsterdam, September 23, 1814, No. 9 (2205 florins, Van Spaan). At Stanley's, London, 1815 (309 : 153., bought in). Le Rouge, Paris, April 27, 1818 (2450 francs). Lapeyriere, Paris, April 19, 1825 (10,110 francs). Purchased by Valedau, of Paris, before 1833 (10,000 francs). Now in the Musee, Montpellier, Valedau bequest, 1890 catalogue, No. 7I5- 25. A Man seated at a Table. Books and other objects are on the table. 15^ inches by 12 inches. Sale. Van Zwieten, The Hague, April 12, 1741, No. 146 (30 florins). 25*. A Man seated at a Table. He sits in his room, leaning his left arm on a table, covered with a carpet, upon which are an ink-pot, letters, papers, and books. [Pendant to 63.] Panel, 14^ inches by u^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, July 17, 1775, No. 12 (pendant to No. n). An Old Man mending his Pen. Sm. Suppl. 5. An old man, wearing a dark cloak, with a black coif on his head, is seated in profile, mending his pen. An hour-glass stands on a table by him. Described by Smith from an engraving by Michel that cannot be traced. 26. A PAINTER IN A GREY COSTUME AT HIS EASEL. To the right is a table with a red cover, upon which is a paper with the artist's signature. Now in the Belgiojoso collection, Milan. 27. A Painter in his Studio. He is thinking, while he lights his pipe at the brazier. His paints and brushes are on a table beside him. The scene is illumined by a candle. The figure is three-quarter length. Signed in full on the edge of the table; panel, n inches by 9 inches.