Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/298

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274 GABRIEL METSU SECT. 67. A Woman and Child asleep. The woman sits on a chair near a bed, beside which is a cradle with a child in it. Panel, 15^ inches by 13 inches. Sale. J. B. Fratacolla, Amsterdam, April 26, 1813, No. 35 (41 florins, Coders). 670. A Young Woman asleep. She has folded her arms, and has a little dog in her lap. Panel, io inches by 8 inches. Sales. Amsterdam, 1857. Chr. R. Ruhl, Cologne, May 15, 1876, No. 84. 68. AN OLD WOMAN WITH A BOOK ON HER LAP. Sm. Suppl. 1 6. An old woman, wearing a large cloak and a dark cap, sits absorbed in meditation ; she is turned almost to the left, and is shown in three-quarter length. In her right hand is a pair of spectacles, in her left an open book. In the right background is the hearth. The head and hands are modelled with great delicacy. The expression is very natural. This was one of Metsu's last works, and was perhaps suggested by Rembrandt's portrait of his mother. This "excellent little picture" is "an admirable specimen of the master" (Sm.). Signed in full at the foot; panel, loj inches by 8| inches. A copy is in the museum, Aix, 1900 catalogue, No. 304. Exhibited in Amsterdam, 1867. In the Van der Velde collection, Arnhem, 1842 (Sm.). Sale. (Possibly) Amsterdam, December 6, 1851, No. 31. In the Van der Feltz collection, Oosterbeek. Now in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam; acquired in 1880; 1905 catalogue, No. 1555. 69. A WOMAN READING, WITH HER FACE TO THE RIGHT. A three-quarter length. The woman wears a red dress, a white apron, a greyish-black jacket, and a white cap. To the right is a table with a dark green cloth upon which the woman leans an open book, holding it with both hands. On the grey wall behind her is a grey map. The picture is hopelessly damaged. Signed above the map "G. Metsue" ; panel, 9 inches by 7^ inches. Sales. P. J. Hogguer, Amsterdam, August 18, 1817, No. 52 (155 florins, J. de Vries). Berlin, about the year 1900 (Ricard of Frankfort). Jonkheer de la Court and others, Amsterdam, September 21, 1904, No. 98 (500 florins, R ). C. Sedelmeyer, Paris, May 25-28, 1907, No. 115 (^464). 70. A Young Lady reading a Letter. Sm. 49. A young lady, in a loose morning dress tied with red ribbons, sits at a table reading a letter. " This picture is painted in a broad manner and in a grey tone of colour " (Sm.). Panel, 6 inches by 6 inches. Described by Descamps.