Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/311

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ii GABRIEL METSU 287 1 1 6. The Doctor's Visit. In a well-furnished room sits a lady in a fur jacket. A physician feels her pulse, while a surgeon attends to her foot. Near her are a maid-servant and a child. Canvas, 8 inches by 7 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, May 7 and August 8, 1804, No. 99 and No. 107. 117. The Fainting Lady. In a bedroom a lady is fainting in a chair, with her head on a pillow. Her left hand hangs down, and her right hand rests on her hip : her head is bowed down, and her neck bare. A maid-servant comes to her relief with vinegar and a handkerchief, and endeavours to console the lady's daughter, who is weeping at her mother's side. Behind the sick woman are a bed and a table covered with a Persian carpet, on which is a bottle of salts ; a pan stands at the invalid's feet. Canvas, 24! inches by 21 inches. Sales. B. de Bosch, Amsterdam, March 10, 1817, No. 17. De Burtin, Brussels, July 21, 1819, No. 99. 1 1 8. A Physician examining a Urine -Glass. At the table stands a weeping woman. Canvas, 22^ inches by 17^ inches. Sale. Abraham van Twist and others, Amsterdam, September 11, 1822, No. 62. 119. A Sick Woman (or, The Fainting Lady). Sm. 6. A lady, dressed in a red velvet jacket with ermine and a white satin skirt, sits in an arm-chair in her bedroom, overcome by languor or sleep. A maid- servant in the background is warming the bed with a warming-pan. "A fine cat, most exquisitely painted, and a silver utensil, are on the fore- ground. This is a perfect gem in art, of superlative excellence and beauty." Signed in full on the bedpost to the left; canvas, 17 inches by 13^ inches. Saks. J. H. van Heemskerck, The Hague, March 29, 1770, No. 78 (1500 florins). P. M. de Smeth van Alphen, Amsterdam, August i, 1810, No. 59 (2300 florins). Thomas Theodor Cremer, Rotterdam, April 16, 1816, No. 63 (2025 florins). Jurriaens, Amsterdam, August 28, 1817, No. 35 (1400 florins, De Vries). G. Schimmelpenninck, Amsterdam, July 12, 1819, No. 69 (1599 florins, De Vries). Imported into England by Nieuwenhuys, and sold by Sm. (for 300 to Wells r). In the collection of William Wells, Redleaf, 1833 (Sm.). Sales. -W. Wells, London, 1848 (315, Duke of Cleveland). Schneider, Paris, April 6, 1876, No. 21. 120. A Woman cleaning Fish. Sm. 60 and Suppl. 40. A woman, wearing a red gown, a blue apron, and a white cap, sits cleaning a haddock